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Thursday, January 29, 2009
110th Hearings - Commerce, Trade, & Consumer Protection
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H.R. 3402, the Calling Card Consumer Protection Act.
Economic and Security Concerns in Tourism and Commerce: H.R. 3232 and H.R. 1776
Breeding, Drugs, and Breakdowns: The State of Thoroughbred Horseracing and the Welfare of the Thoroughbred
Safety of Phthalates and Bisphenol-A in Everyday Consumer Products
Drugs in Sports: Compromising the Health of Athletes and Undermining the Integrity of Competition
Comprehensive Children's Product Safety and Consumer Product Safety Commission Reform Legislation
Enhancing FTC Consumer Protection in Financial Dealings, with Telemarketers, and on the Internet
From Imus to Industry: The Business of Stereotypes and Degrading Images
Protecting Children from Lead-Tainted Imports - Day 2
Protecting Children from Lead-Tainted Imports - Day 1
Legislation to Improve Consumer Product Safety for Children: H.R. 2474, H.R. 1699, H.R. 814, and H.R. 1721
Protecting Our Children: Current Issues in Children's Product Safety
Currency Manipulation and Its Effects on American Business and Workers
H.R. 1902, Protecting Consumer Access to Generic Drugs Act of 2007
Combating Spyware: H.R. 964, The Spy Act
The Lack of Diversity in Leadership Positions in NCAA Collegiate Sports
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Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2927