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Thursday, January 29, 2009
110th Newsroom - Press Releases
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GAO Report: PFFS plans expose beneficiaries to serious financial risk; are unpopular with beneficiaries
GAO Finds Information Overload and Enrollment Delays in Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Plans
Dingell, Stupak React to PhRMA's DTC Policy Revisions
Committee Releases Staff Report on Findings of FCC Investigation
Energy and Commerce Committee Investigates Adequacy of EPA E-Waste Regulations
Dingell, Stupak Press FDA on Public Relations Contract
Dingell, Stupak: New GAO Report Demonstrates Need for Strengthening Nuclear Safety
Dingell, Stupak Applaud FDA Steps on Food and Drug Safety, Pledge Continued Oversight
Dingell, Stupak to Investigate FDA’s Medical Device Approval Process
Dingell, Stupak Offer FCC Interviews Before Final Report is Released
Dingell Writes Signatories of Climate Change Principles Letter
Energy and Commerce Committee to Investigate HHS Contracting
Dingell Writes President-Elect Obama on Need for Healthcare Reform
Dingell Announces Initial Whip Team for Energy and Commerce Committee Race
Energy and Commerce Committee Highlights Lessons Learned from the Wilmington, North Carolina Digital Television Transition Test Market; Asks FCC, NTIA, NAB, Television Networks, and Network Affiliates About Further Consumer Education Efforts
Committee Leaders Continue Questioning DNDO’s Ability to Certify New Radiation Detection Monitors
Committee Leaders on Science Board Review of FDA's Bisphenol A Assessment
Dingell, Stupak on FDA's Warning Letter on Bayer Aspirin with Heart Advantage
GAO Report Finds FDA’s Foreign Drug Inspection Program Needs Significant Improvement
GAO Report Finds EPA Needs to Improve Accuracy and Transparency of Reporting Measures for Environmental Enforcement Programs
GAO Report Finds Increased Security Controls Needed at Biosafety Level 4 Labs
Dingell, Stupak Request Interview with Von Eschenbach on Bisphenol A
Dingell, Stupak Continue Investigation into FDA's Questionable Handling of Bisphenol A
Dingell, Stupak Continue Investigation of Predatory Sales Practices of Medicare Advantage Plans
Dingell, Stupak Continue DTC Ad Investigation
Dingell, Stupak Again Question Whether FDA Knowingly Allowed Dangerous Drugs to be Sold to U.S. Consumers
Boucher, Dingell Release Climate Change Discussion Draft
Dingell, Stupak Question FDA's No-Bid Contract with PR Firm
Dingell, Stupak to Investigate Melamine Contamination in Chinese Milk Products
House Approves Mercury Export Ban Act
Energy and Commerce Committee Highlights Digital Television Border Problems
House Approves Legislation to Promote U.S. Tourism, Combat Fraudulent Calling Cards
House Approves Breast Cancer Patient Protection Bill
Dingell Applauds Colleagues for Passing Legislation to Expand Health Research & Improve Access to Quality Care
Dingell Response to DOE Statement on Direct Loan Program for Auto Industry
Dingell Statement on Continuing Resolution, Direct Loans for Automakers
Government Report Links Factory Farms to Harmful Air Emissions, Water Pollution
Committee Approves Legislation to Promote U.S. Tourism, Combat Fraudulent Calling Cards, and Encourage Breast Cancer and Environmental Research
Committee Approves Legislation to Promote U.S. Tourism, Combat Fraudulent Calling Cards, and Encourage Breast Cancer and Environmental Research
Committee Expands Ranbaxy Probe to Include PEPFAR Program
Dingell on the 'Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act'
Lawmakers Press EPA on Toxic Military Site
Dingell, Stupak Question Whether FDA Knowingly Allowed Potentially Unsafe & Ineffective Drugs into the U.S. Marketplace
Committee Approves Breast Cancer Legislation and other Critical Public Health Bills
Subcommittee Approves Tourism and Consumer Protection Legislation
Dingell, Stupak Respond to FDA's Ranbaxy Announcement
Dingell on Journal of American Medical Association Editorial on Bisphenol A
GAO Report Finds Los Alamos Security Problems Still Not Fully Addressed
Dingell, Stupak on Administration's Withdrawal of Russian Nuclear Agreement
Dingell, Stupak Applaud FDA's Approval of Irradiation on Lettuce Spinach
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Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2927