Scandalous Sites

Scandal in politics is nothing new, and there are plenty of sites throughout Washington, D.C., that figure prominently in scandalous stories and lore. There are also a number of specialized tours provided by private companies that will highlight these and other sites. Most of these listings are not open for regular tours, but this page will give you the address and a short synopsis of why the site may be of interest.

Aldrich Ames Home
2512 N. Randolph Street, Arlington, Virginia

This is the site where federal officers arrested Aldrich Ames and his wife Rosario in 1994 in what became the biggest spy scandal in many years. Ames had been selling secrets to the Russians and purchased this home in Arlington with the proceeds from his espionage. He was later convicted of spying and is currently serving a life sentence in a federal penitentiary. His wife received a five-year prison sentence, and went to South America to reside upon her release.

Another site connected with Ames is Chadwick's, a pub in Georgetown where he provided his Soviet handler with the names of 20 CIA assets within the Soviet bloc. Ten of those individuals were executed.

Eisenhower Executive Office Building (also known as the EEOB or the Old Executive Office Building)
17th Street & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
Eisenhower Executive Office Building This 1870s-era building, located next to the White House, is a National Historic Landmark and is used to house hundreds of Administration employees. In the 1980s, those employees included Lt. Col. Oliver North and his secretary, Fawn Hall, who were deeply involved in the cover-up regarding Iran-Contra. In this building, Hall shredded so many documents that the office shredder jammed and broke down.  The EEOB closed for public tours following September 11, 2001, and has not yet re-opened.  You can take a virtual tour at the EEOB website.
Gary Hart's Townhouse
517 6th Street, SE, Washington, DC
During his presidential campaign, Gary Hart, a Democrat U.S. Senator from Colorado, challenged reporters to find evidence of rumored philandering. The Miami Herald took up the challenge and staked out Hart's Capitol Hill townhouse. When Donna Rice arrived one night and didn't leave until the next morning, the newspaper ran the story. Hart claimed that reporters didn't watch both entrances to the home and could not have seen when Rice entered and left the building. But his presidential campaign was permanently damaged and he ultimately withdrew from the race.
Lafayette Square Park
Across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House
Lafayette Square In September 1989, then-President George H.W. Bush gave a televised speech to unveil a new anti-drug policy. During the speech, he used a visual aid--a bag of crack cocaine that was purchased by undercover DEA agents at Lafayette Park, which is directly across the street from the White House. It was later discovered that the DEA agents had made the arrangements with a drug dealer to purchase the drugs at the park simply so that the drugs could be used as a visual for the Presidential speech.
Longworth House Office Building
1506 Independence and New Jersey Avenues, SE, Washington, DC
Longworth House Office Building For two years in the mid-1970s, Ohio Democrat Wayne Hays employed Elizabeth Ray as a congressional staffer. Ray eventually claimed to The Washington Post that she wasn't paid for any office work, but rather for being Hays' girlfriend. Her motivation for spilling to a Post reporter was that Hays recently married another woman (who also worked in the office) and Ray said she was afraid of losing her "job". Within a few weeks, Hays had resigned as chairman of the House Administration Committee and resigned from Congress about three months after that. He later served in the Ohio State Legislature, where he was defeated by Bob Ney, who was later elected to Congress and, in 2006, found himself under his own ethical cloud regarding bribery and conspiracy.

Tidal Basin Pool
Maine Avenue, SW, Washington, DC

Tidal Basin Pool
In October 1974, then-House Ways and Mean Committee Chairman Wilbur Mills (D-Arkansas) spent the evening, partying with stripper Fanne Foxe. On his way home, his vehicle was stopped by the U.S. Park Police got driving without the lights on. Fox jumped out of the car and dove into the nearby Tidal Basin Pool. The incident was caught on film by a TV cameraman, and Mills later admitted to alcoholism, resigned his chairmanship and didn't run for re-election.
Vista Hotel, Room 727
1400 M Street, NW (on Scott Circle), Washington, DC

Former Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry famously uttered "the b---- set me up" after being caught in an FBI sting that took place in this hotel room. Barry was brought to trial on 14 drug charges, but was convicted on only one count of cocaine possession. After serving a six-month federal prison sentence, Barry re-emerged in politics to be re-elected to Mayor of Washington, D.C., in 1994.

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
Watergate Hotel The Watergate Hotel stands as one of the most well-known scandal sites anywhere in the world. In fact, following the Watergate scandal, the word "gate" has been often added to the end of any currently-brewing scandal. It was here that the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee were bugged and burglars arrested, leading ultimately to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.
Notice:The links contained in this website are intended to provide a tool for easy navigation to sites related to the Washington, D.C. area. The content of the sites listed are the sole responsibility of those who maintain the websites. The views reflected in these sites are not necessarily the views of Senator Mike Crapo. In no way should a link from the website of the office of Senator Crapo be construed as an endorsement by Senator Crapo of that organization or the views contained in the site. Upon clicking on one of these links you will be notified that you are leaving the United States Senate server. Once you have left the Senate server, Senator Crapo is not responsible for the content of the website your may visit. 

Last updated 09/03/2008

Idaho State

251 E. Front St., Suite 205
Boise,ID 83702


524 E. Cleveland Blvd., Suite 220
Caldwell,ID 83605

North Idaho

610 Hubbard, Suite 209
Coeur d' Alene,ID 83814

North-Central Region

313 'D' St., Suite 105
Lewiston,ID 83501

Eastern Idaho, North

490 Memorial Dr., Suite 102
Idaho Falls,ID 83402

Eastern Idaho, South

275 S. 5th Ave., Suite 225
Pocatello,ID 83201


202 Falls Ave., Suite 2
Twin Falls,ID 83301

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