Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gasoline Use by the Federal Departments and Agencies

 Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I am pleased to cosponsor Senator Warner's legislation that calls on the President to reduce the gasoline consumption of the departments and agencies that he oversees.

We are seeing American consumers begin to use less gasoline, as prices reach new historic highs almost daily. Many Americans simply cannot afford to maintain their regular driving habits at the moment. This is a situation that we have not experienced in this country in over 30 years. 

It is important that the Federal Government show its solidarity with the American people in this time of economic hardship. Just as individual citizens are finding ways to use less gasoline, the U.S. Government should also be finding ways to reduce consumption. 

Because the Executive Branch is by far the largest branch of Government, it is important that the President take the lead on this issue. As the Federal Government spends less money on fuel, we send fewer American taxpayers' hard earned dollars to oil-exporting countries. That is a goal I know we can all agree is laudable under any circumstance, but even more so now, as fuel costs continue to soar.

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