Chris Dodd strongly supports efforts to protect our environment within Connecticut and across this country. He believes that environmental responsibility and economic prosperity are complementary, not competing, goals for our nation. Indeed, many of the best jobs of the 21st century will be in industries committed to environmental protection. And the best places to live and raise a family will continue to be those areas where there is clean air, water, and land.

Connecticut's open spaces, parks, heritage corridors, scenic rivers, and one national park are critically important to our state's environment and economy. Sen. Dodd has consistently championed environmental progress in our state. He has supported investments in the state's highest environmental priorities. This includes helping to secure a significant federal commitment to improving the health of Long Island Sound, which continues to be one of our nation's great estuaries. He has also worked to oppose initiatives that would harm environmentally sensitive areas in our state and in our nation -- from the Sound to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Senator Dodd has supported improvements to the Clean Air Act (CAA) that have been instrumental in reducing air pollution, acid rain, and ozone depletion. He has also opposed efforts by the Administration to roll back current environmental regulations and implement environmentally harmful proposals that are detrimental to the health of millions of Americans. Pollution is a blight on our country, a drag on the economy, and a source of health concern for children and others. Senator Dodd will continue to work for a cleaner environment because it means better health, better jobs and a more beautiful country for all Americans.

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( published in: The Environment )