Republicans Hit the Airwaves, Calling for Bipartisan Stimulus

Posted by Kevin on January 29th, 2009

Over the last several weeks House Republicans have taken their concerns about the cost and impact of the Congressional Democrats’ slow moving $1.1 trillion “stimulus” bill directly to the American people through press conferences, radio interviews, and TV appearances.   (See chart below from Politico)

GOP dominates stimulus debate on cable

The House GOP’s message is clearly resonating with voters - support for the Congressional Democrats’ “stimulus” plan is dropping, according to a fresh Rasmussen poll.

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) has repeatedly stated that the House Republicans are committed to being the party of better solutions and not just the party of “no.”  In that spirit, yesterday Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Rep. David Camp (R-MI) offered a Republican substitute on the floor today that would create twice as many jobs at half the cost.  The Camp-Cantor plan would create 6.2 million new American jobs over the next two years.

Republicans stand ready to help President Obama craft a truly bipartisan stimulus package that can make the American people proud.

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