Leader Links: January 29, 2009

Posted by Kevin on January 29th, 2009


House Passes Stimulus Package.  The House bill is one of the largest single stimulus packages in history, almost equal to the entire cost of annual federal spending under Congress’s discretion.  A parallel Senate measure, which is expected to come to a vote next week, is now valued at nearly $900 billion.

Boehner lost vote, won power.  As he heads into the House Republicans’ annual retreat this weekend in Hot Springs, Va., the Ohio Republican can use the stimulus as a unifying rallying cry for his decimated troops.

The Entitlement Stimulus.  The more we dig into the pile of spending and tax favors known as the “stimulus bill,” the more amazing discoveries we make. Namely, Democrats have apparently decided that the way to gun the economy is to spend even more on health care.

GOP says its stimulus would create more jobs.   Citing a new study to back up their claims, House GOP leaders announced their alternative proposal would create as many as 6.2 million jobs, more than 50 percent more than the 3-4 million jobs that Obama says his plan will create or save.


The GOP’s path back.
  As House Republicans gather this weekend for our annual retreat, don’t expect to find our conference sulking or looking in the rear view mirror. Bloodied but resolute, our focus is on the present and the future.

Why Liberal Democrats Spend Your Tax Dollars So Merrily.  Overall, given the choice between more government services and higher taxes, or fewer services and lower taxes, likely voters opt for the limited government/low tax option by the comfortable margin of 61% to 25%.

Plan to delay U.S. switch to digital TV thwarted by Republicans.  House Republicans voted down a bill on Wednesday that would have postponed the latest date for the transition to digital broadcasting from analog until June 12. The changeover is set for Feb. 17.

GOP Congressman Introduces ‘Rangel Rule,’ Eliminating IRS Late Fees.  The legislation calls for the creation of what he calls the, “Rangel Rule,” — drawing attention to the recent legal issues of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., enabling citizens who fail to pay taxes on time to do so later with no additional fees.

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4 Responses to “Leader Links: January 29, 2009”

  1. Wanda Parker Says:

    Mr. Boehner

    Thank you for your leadership concerning the Stimulas Package. I hope the Senate follows your lead.

  2. Steve Osborne Says:

    As a long time conservative I thank you for making sure that the Recovery and Reinvestment plan is more than just a traditional stimulus package but on the other end tax cuts are far from enough since we are dealing with more than just a dip in the business cycle.

    It’s not the end of the world but it’s the end of a world, and we should envision new projects based on the kind of challenges and opportunities that are facing us. Such a vision would promote sustainable growth and support the kind of habits, logistical solutions, urban planning, and mass transit options that would change the way we value and manage resources in this crowded and inefficient world. This is the only way to keep the wheel turning because the automobile with its roads and bridges won’t.

  3. Rich Ferrante Says:

    Stay the course. We not only need to scrutinize how we will spend our money now, we also need to review what happened to the first money used (or not used) for TARP.

    I think we should set up our spending in $100 Billion modules. Each module cannot be approved by anyone until the previous module has been review by all. That would help show in what areas the money being spent is most effective.

  4. Mike Says:


    I have been waiting for the Congressional Republicans to stand up for the rest of us, and you did, by standing together against this bad bill!

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