Key Democrat Says Speaker Pelosi Making “Huge Mistake” by Killing Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Posted by Nick on May 23rd, 2008

Like House Republicans and Newspapers across the country, Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) understands the devastating impact Speaker Pelosi’s decision to kill the Colombia Free Trade Agreement will have on American workers and families.

From “Democrat urges House vote on Korea, Colombia pacts” (Reuters):

“I think that is a huge mistake. It certainly is an insult to Colombia. I think it would be an insult to South Korea. If you want to vote it down … that’s fine. But to go through all the effort of negotiating an agreement and not vote on it, I have a hard time with that.” - Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA)

At a time when families and businesses are dealing with rising costs of living, the American people expect both parties in Washington to work together to identify new places to sell American products and new avenues to create American jobs.  But Speaker Pelosi’s shameful decision to block a vote on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement makes such cooperation increasingly difficult.  Unfortunately U.S. workers, farmers, businesses, and our closest allies in South America will pay the price as a result.

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New Orleans Mayor Nagin to Pelosi: Pass Colombian FTA

Posted by Nick on April 23rd, 2008

Echoing House Republicans and editorial boards around the country, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin recently wrote Speaker Nancy Pelosi in support of the Colombian Free Trade Agreement:

“I … respectfully urge you to continue to support free trade by promoting future agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. Each of the future FTAs would provide unique opportunities for the City of New Orleans to increase international economic development.”

For the sake of our nation’s economy, it’s workers, and our South American allies, it is time for Speaker Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership to allow a fair, up-or-down vote on the Colombian Free Trade Agreement.


Boehner Delivers Letter to Pelosi: What Are Your Demands for Vote on Colombia Free Trade Agreement? (4/15/08)
Speaker Pelosi Slammed by Hometown Newspaper for Killing Colombia Free Trade Agreement (4/11/08)
Boehner: Democratic Leadership Kills Colombia Free Trade Agreement with “Political Blackmail” (4/10/08)
Boehner Rebuts Pelosi, Calls Speaker’s Actions to Kill Colombia Free Trade Agreement “Political Blackmail” (4/10/08)
Blistering Editorials Condemn Pelosi Decision to Close Colombia Market to U.S. Goods (4/10/08)
Boehner: Democratic Leadership Kills Colombia Free Trade Agreement with “Political Blackmail”

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Links for April 17, 2008

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on April 17th, 2008

Judd Gregg: Spiking Colombia Free Trade Agreement hurts us, them (New Hampshire Union-Leader Op-ed)

…In a shortsighted and reckless move, the Democrat-controlled House unilaterally altered long-standing legislative procedures that required a vote on the FTA within 90 days. Instead of a simple yes or no vote, the House postponed FTA consideration indefinitely.

The damage done by the speaker of the House to precedent and procedures pales in comparison to that to our relationship with one of our strongest allies in South America.

Editorial: Rep. Pelosi asks ‘how high’ when Big Labor says ‘jump’ (The Examiner)

The CFTA will increase U.S. exports to Colombia by $1 billion annually, producing new jobs for Americans and helping to reduce our nation’s staggering trade deficit…By holding the trade pact hostage until the Bush administration agrees to a long wish list of union-friendly concessions, Pelosi is kowtowing to her party’s union masters.

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Links for April 15, 2008

Posted by Nick on April 15th, 2008

If nothing else, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ploy last week to change House rules in order to kill the Colombia Free Trade Agreement is exposing how extreme her protectionism is. Yesterday, 35 former senior officials in Democratic Administrations and Democratic Members of Congress signed an open letter urging Congress to pass the Colombia pact.

“We believe this Agreement is in both our vital national security and economic interests,” the letter says. “We feel that the treaty should be considered as soon as possible and that any obstacles be quickly and amicably resolved.” Good luck with that last point given Ms. Pelosi’s eagerness to take orders from the AFL-CIO.

Either Nancy Pelosi doesn’t understand the nature of the U.S.-Colombia trade deal, or she thinks that she can fool the public. In any event, she makes a hash of things in trying to explain why she allowed for fast-track authority to expire–thus putting the deal on the back burner…One does not know whether to laugh or cry. American markets are already open to Colombia products. The deal opens Colombian markets to American products. How American workers do not benefit from having another market opened to the things they make is beyond comprehension.

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Links for April 14, 2008

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on April 14th, 2008

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