Boehner: Non-Partisan CBO Confirms House Democrats’ Bill Tops $1.1 Trillion

Washington, Jan 27 - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today issued the following statement on a letter from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf to Budget Committee Ranking Republican Paul Ryan (R-WI), in which he noted that the federal government’s interest costs related to the legislation would amount to $347 billion between 2009 and 2019, bringing the total of the congressional Democrats’ massive spending bill to more than $1.1 trillion:

“It’s official: the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that the congressional Democrats’ legislation is the trillion dollar spending bill that we all feared it would be.  It would be irresponsible to pass this massive debt onto our children and grandchildren, and Republicans will continue fighting for their interests – and the interests of all taxpayers.  President Obama began this process with the hope of producing a bipartisan plan to create jobs.  What congressional Democrats have put on the table is a wasteful and unfocused package that will create plenty of government programs and projects – but not nearly enough new, good-paying jobs.  The American people deserve better than the one trillion dollar spending bill that the House will vote on tomorrow, and Republicans will continue reaching out to President Obama to craft a plan that reduces wasteful spending and helps create jobs through fast-acting tax relief for middle-class families and small businesses.”


NOTE: A copy of Director Elmendorf’s letter to Rep. Ryan is available here.


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