Congressman Mark Steven Kirk and the Capitol Dome U.S. Congressman
Mark Steven Kirk - Proudly serving the people of the 10th district of Illinois
C Rep. Kirk addresses an eighth grade government class at Rockland Middle School in Libertyville. Congressman Kirk joins Secretary Principi and Navy recruits for a recent Great Lakes ground breaking ceremony. Lake Forest Beach. The Bahai Temple.
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12-28-07 - Congressman Kirk, Northbrook Village President Gene Marks, Northbrook firefighters and the wife of the Mayor of Tonatico, Mexico gather to handover the keys of a Northbrook ambulance to the people of Tonatico. Click to view more photos.


01/22/09: Congressman Kirk discusses the proposed economic stimulus bill on the House floor and raises concerns that one bill would spend more money than the GDP of Australia

01/08/09: Congressman Kirk discusses his recent military deployment to Afghanistan and the challenges facing the United States and NATO mission on the floor of the House.

01/06/09: Congressman Kirk discusses his military deployment to Afghanistan on the Fox News Channel.

01/05/09: Congressman Kirk discusses his military deployment to Afghanistan on WLS-TV

01/05/09: Congressman Kirk discusses his deployment to Afghanistan as a U.S. Navy reservist. He is the first U.S. Representative deployed to an area of imminent danger since World War II.

11/25/08: Congressman Kirk discusses his economic recovery hearing and steps to double the size of the economy on Fox Chicago

9/27/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the House floor supporting the Great Lakes Legacy Reauthorization Act of 2008

9/23/08: Congressman Kirk calls for the firing of senior executives who take the proposed federal bailout package, as well as a guarantee that taxpayer dollars aren’t used for “golden parachutes.”

9/09/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the House floor regarding his amendment to restore missile defense funding for Poland – an important NATO ally.

7/31/08:Congressman Kirk appears on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss his legislation to ban pensions for congressional felons.

7/30/08: Congressman Kirk announces that the U.S. has agreed to provide X-band radar to Israel - an historic step in America’s commitment to the safety and defense of the nation.

7/30/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the House floor in support of his resolution, H.Res. 1008, condemning Iran for its persecution of Baha’is. The resolution overwhelmingly passed the House.

7/22/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the House floor urging Egypt to release a human rights blogger.

7/23/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the House floor regarding his support for funding the Highway Trust Fund, as well as Illinois’ urgent need to pass a capital bill to unlock billions in federal transportation matching funds.

7/22/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the House floor urging Egypt to release a human rights blogger.

7/14/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the House floor regarding his support for funding the Highway Trust Fund, as well as Illinois’ urgent need to pass a capital bill to unlock billions in federal transportation matching funds.

6/23/08: Congressman Kirk joins with Congresswoman Judy Biggert to announce the Apollo Energy Independence Act to get off foreign oil by 2030.

6/11/08: Waukegan Pastor John I. Caples of Jesus Name Apostolic Church reads the opening prayer of the U.S. House at the invitation of Congressman Kirk

5/5/08: Congressman Kirk discusses his efforts to combat online child predators at the Mount Prospect Police Department.

4/18/08: Congressman Mark Kirk, local officials and law enforcement target illegal guns in the 10th district.

4/16/08: Congressman Kirk speaks against former President Carter’s plan to meet with Hamas leader Khaled Meshal. 26 Americans have been killed by Hamas terrorists in Israel.

4/7/08: Congressman Kirk, the ATF and Lake County law enforcement officials announce the capture of three gang leaders following the publication of the Top 10 Most Wanted Gang Members of Lake County.

3/24/08: Congressman Kirk, ATF, Lake County Sheriff’s Office and local police departments announce Lake County’s 10 Most Wanted Gang Members

3/11/08: Congressman Kirk speaks on the floor of the House and encourages his colleagues to join him in a congressional earmark moratorium.

2/25/08: Congressman Kirk discusses 11 area residents who are changing the world through their work overseas.

2/11/08: Congressmen Kirk and Roskam discuss their legislation to improve the security of Social Security cards.

1/23/08: Improving the health of the Great Lakes - Testimony before the Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment

11/15/07: Improving security at airports - Fox News

11/13/07: Improving security at O'Hare - ABC News

11/5/07: Stopping World Bank loans to Iran - Fox News "Special Report."

10-16-07: Commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Clean Water Act - House Floor

10/10/07: Guarantees for U.S. "smart weapons" sold to Saudi Arabia - House Floor

9/25/07: Stopping funding for the "Bridge to Nowhere" - House Floor

9/24/07: Honoring three Glenbrook South High School Students for saving an 83-year-old woman's life - CBS News

9/24/07: Honoring three Glenbrook South High School students for saving an elderly woman's life - House Floor

9/19/07: Speaking out against gang and gun violence in the suburbs - ABC News

9/13/07: Bipartisan efforts to wind down the mission in Iraq - CBS News

9/11/07: Chicago transit security breach - FOX Chicago

9/4/07: Increasing protections against dangerous Chinese goods - ABC News

8/21/07: Helping teachers keep schools safe from gun violence - ABC News

Stopping dangerous Chinese imported toys and goods - Fox Chicago.

Costly federal sugar subsidies in the Farm Bill lead to job losses - House Floor

Bipartisan resolution against BP's plan to dump dangerous chemicals into Lake Michigan - House Floor

Speaking out against BP's plan to increase the amount of dangerous chemicals it dumps into Lake Michigan - House Floor

Banning sewage dumping in the Great Lakes - NBC News

Banning sewage dumping in the Great Lakes - ABC News

Speaking in favor of freedom of speech on television and radio - House Floor

Ending Iran's nuclear weapons program diplomatically - House Floor

Supporting voluntary family planning assistance - House Floor

Safeguarding children from dangerous contaminants - House Floor

Protecting children from online predators - House Floor

Expanding the number of stem cell lines for federally funded research - House Floor

Killing pensions for members of Congress convicted of felonies - House Floor

Authorizing cash rewards for information leading to the capture of terrorists - House Floor

Congressman Kirk's six steps Congress should take to lower fuel costs - WGN News

Expanding U.S.-Israel defense ties - House Floor

Urging action to make airport contractors accountable for missing security badges - House Floor

Calls to ratify an international agreement to open Holocaust archives - House Floor

Calls on Iran to release 15 British sailors and marines - Fox News

Discussing the effects of global warming on Lake Michigan - Fox News

Congressman Kirk testifies before House Foreign Affairs Committee on Afghanistan

Strengthening airport security at O'Hare - House Floor.

Canceling congressional pensions for Members of Congress who have convicted of a felony - Lou Dobbs

Speaking in support of H.R. 3, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act - House Floor

No Pensions for Felons - CNN

7/16/06: Congressional action needed to protect kids from online predators
Channel 7 Clip | WMAQ NBC 5 Clip | WGN Clip

Bipartisan legation against Iran's suppression of the Bahii faith - House Floor

Protecting green and open space - House Floor

Protecting children and teachers against gun violence at school - House Floor

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