October 25, 2008

Hospital long overdue

MEL MARTINEZ President Abraham Lincoln promised our nation's veterans that America will "care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan."

In breaking ground for the new Orlando VA Medical Center, we have begun to better fulfill that commitment for Central Florida's veterans.

Construction of the VA hospital is long overdue. With more than 78,000 veterans, Orange County has the second largest concentration of veterans in Florida, and the largest without direct access to a VA hospital.

A new hospital in Orlando means veterans will no longer have to drive to Tampa or Gainesville for medical treatment.

It will provide veterans with some of the most advanced health care available. Veterans will benefit because of the close proximity and relationship with our emerging Medical City.

It will also integrate research and direct treatment by working alongside the UCF Medical School, the Burnham Institute, and Nemours Pediatric Center.

Providing state-of-the art care for those who have fought for our nation is essential. In addition to serving today's veterans, the Orlando VA Medical Center will also serve members of America's newest generation of warriors who have given so much in the cause of freedom.

I am pleased to know construction of the facility is now underlay, and I am personally committed to ensuring we have all the federal support needed so the hospital can begin serving area veterans in the very near future.