News from Congressman Mike Simpson - For Immediate Release - Contact Nikki Watts - (208)334-1953
  Press Release   Contact:  Nikki Watts
January 27, 2009 208-334-1953
Simpson Meets with Obama and House Budget Committee to Discuss Economic Stimulus

Washington, D.C.  -   Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson had two very important meetings about the upcoming economic stimulus package today.  First, he attended a House Budget Committee hearing, then he joined other GOP leaders in a meeting with President Obama to discuss why the President thinks the stimulus package is necessary.

“Unemployment is rising, businesses are suffering, individuals are suffering, we know our economy is in a recession - the question is what should the government do to spend taxpayer dollars wisely,” said Simpson. “I agree with Speaker Pelosi, this stimulus package needs to be temporary, timely, and targeted, however, this bill is none of these.”

In the Budget Committee, of which Simpson is a member, he made the following observations to Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf, “I support the need for funding transportation and infrastructure projects that are shovel ready. I support lower taxes. I do not support allocating billions of dollars on projects that will not be spent this year. This funding should go through the appropriations process with hearings, oversight and open discussion.”

Later, Simpson joined other GOP members and met with President Obama. “While I may not agree with all of President Obama’s policies, I appreciate his willingness to sit down with Republicans and ask for our ideas.  He is following through on his promises of bipartisanship, and I deeply respect that,” said Simpson. 

“The President said he didn’t want to create programs that have long tails. He is aware of budgetary constraints and doesn’t want to configure programs that he would have to cut,” said Simpson. “Unfortunately, there is nothing on this earth as eternal as a ‘temporary government program,’ and the programs in the economic stimulus package have long tails."

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