
January 28, 2009

harkin announces senate agriculture committee members for the 111th congress

Washington, D.C. – Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, today announced the list of Democratic Senators that will comprise the majority of the Committee.  The roster includes newly-named Senators Gillibrand of New York and Bennet of Colorado.  The Republican Leadership had made its announcement regarding members last week, with the exception of one vacancy.

“With this roster of Senators, I am very encouraged by what this Committee can accomplish next year,” said Harkin.  “With the economy and other challenges facing our nation, including agriculture and rural America, I am looking forward to taking up the work of the Committee with our additional members.  Their perspective and contributions will be helpful as we rewrite the child nutrition law and oversee USDA’s carrying out of the farm bill.”

The Democratic roster for the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry includes:

1. Tom Harkin, of Iowa, Chairman
2. Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
3. Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
4. Max Baucus, of Montana
5. Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
6. Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
7. E. Benjamin Nelson, of Nebraska
8. Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
9. Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
10. Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
11. Kirsten Gillibrand, of New York
12. Michael Bennet, of Colorado