
January 27, 2009

statement by senator tom harkin: at the appropriations committee markup of the stimulus bill

“Mr. Chairman, the economy is now shedding an average of 17,000 jobs a day.  New foreclosures average 9,000 a day.  Even conservative economists agree that we need a massive stimulus package to help revive the economy – and quickly. 

“This bill has two goals – to get us through the next two years of hard times, and lay the groundwork for a strong economy in the future.

“In the short term, this bill invests in our infrastructure, directly creating jobs.  Within the jurisdiction of the Labor-HHS-Education subcommittee, the bill includes $16 billion to repair and renovate our public schools, with a priority given to “green” projects.   A 1995 GAO study found a backlog of more than $100 billion of needed repairs and renovations to our public schools – and that was 14 years ago.  The condition of our schools has only gotten worse since then.

“Through a new State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, the bill includes $39 billion for local school districts and public colleges and universities, with an emphasis on community colleges that train workers for the next generation of jobs.   The bill also includes $1 billion to repair and expand community health centers.

“We also make a down payment on health care reform, because the economy cannot truly recover until we address the issue of health care.   We have included $5 billion for health care IT and for computerizing patients’ health records – which will prevent medical errors and save money in the health care system.  

“We spend too much of our health care dollars on curing illnesses rather than preventing them in the first place.  Investing in prevention will improve health care outcomes and save money.  We have included $5.8 billion in new funding to prevent chronic health care problems

“If we are going to have a strong economy tomorrow, we need to invest in our future workforce today by improving our schools, helping students pay for college, and training workers for the jobs of the future.   This bill does that.   And through a block grant to states, we help states avoid the severe cuts now being made across the country to education.  This is not the time to lay off teachers.

“The bill also includes $2.75 billion to help those who have, or may soon, lose their jobs receive training, so they can gain new productive work in the future.

“And of course, we can’t forget those people who are being hit hardest by this recession.  That’s why we have included $16.5 billion for additional Supplementary Nutrition Assistance program benefits . . . $500 million for the WIC program . . .  and $400 million in Social Services Block Grant funding.

“Mr. Chairman, I think this bill strikes the right balance … between saving jobs today and strengthening our economy for the future.  I urge my fellow committee members to support it.

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman.”