Federal Appropriations

From making sure roads and bridges are safe to delivering clean drinking water to rural areas, federal appropriations support community needs all across Montana.

Senator Jon Tester works with constituents, community leaders and elected officials to make sure that worthwhile Montana projects get the federal support they need.  This funding promotes community and economic development, creates jobs and supports access to quality health care in rural Montana.  Funding also backs cutting edge research at our institutions of higher education and ensures that Montana's military and national guard facilities are second to none.

Senator Tester's support for the best Montana projects runs parallel to his commitment to a transparent and open federal appropriations process.  Conducting this process in the light of day ensures that taxpayer dollars are spent on worthwhile projects with community support.  Use this website to request, review and comment on federal support for Montana related projects.

Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriations Requests

The deadline for submission of Appropriations Requests for the 2010 Fiscal Year is 10:00 PM Mountain Time on Friday, February 27, 2009.

Download Senator Tester's FY2010 Appropriations Request Form

Disclosure Requirements
To encourage open government and comply with Senate rules, Senator Tester will publish a list of his appropriations requests on this website.  This list will include the name of the organization requesting the project, the amount of federal funds requested, and a description of the project.