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History of the Committee on Energy and Commerce

On December 14, 1795, in the 4th Congress, the House of Representatives created a new standing committee, the Committee on Commerce and Manufactures, to “take into consideration all such petitions and matters of things touching the commerce and manufactures of the United States.”  This Committee was comprised of only seven members, all of whom held significant interest in the shipping and manufacturing industries.  In 1819, because there was a desire to focus the Committee’s energies on the increasing scope and complexity of American commercial activity, the Committee was split into two separate Committees -- the Committee on Commerce and the Committee on Manufacturers.  In 1891, the name of the Committee was changed to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.  The Committee retained this title until  year 1981, when the Committee’s name was changed to its present name -- the Committee on Energy and Commerce -- to emphasize its lead role in guiding the energy policy of the United States.  Today the Committee on Energy and Commerce is one of the oldest and largest standing Committee’s in the House of Representatives and has 57 members.

During the first few sessions of the United States Congress, the House of Representatives developed a few methods to address petitions and claims: through creating a select committee to address the specific claim, cooperating with the Department of Treasury to work out a solution, by creating a select committee, or considering the petition or claim in the (Committee of the) Whole House.  As more and more claims and petitions were submitted to Congress, it became apparent that Congress needed to find new ways to address the increased workload.  The legislative branch, in an effort to increase efficiency and exert independence from the executive branch, established several standing or permanent Committees to address the claims that came before the House of Representatives.

International trade issues dominated the agenda, but dealing with domestic claims was also an essential function of the Committee.  Domestic legislation dealt mostly with the establishment of ports of entry, the placement of piers, buoys, and lighthouses and the creation of a system for import duty collection.  A large number of claims also addressed military back pay and pensions from the Revolutionary War.  Just as they do today, Members of Congress considered the merits of all claims and drafted reports and bills based on those claims and forwarded the information to the House.  During the Fourth Congress, the Committee forwarded 111 bills.

Just as the organization of Congress has shifted again and again, the Committee on Energy and Commerce has seen many changes in its 218 years.  When the Fourth Congress created the Committee, it was one of only four standing Committees along with the Committee on Elections, the Committee on Revisal and Unfinished Business, and the Committee on Claims.  As other committees were created in subsequent Congresses, the Committee lost some of its original jurisdiction.  During the sixteenth Congress (1819-1821) the Committee relinquished jurisdiction over manufacturing issues with the creation of the Committee on Manufactures.  The Committee on Commerce, as it was renamed, maintained a focus on regulation of trade and commerce. 

Interstate commerce increased dramatically during the 1860s as a result of a newly completed cross-country railroad network.  In 1887 the Interstate Commerce Commission was created to oversee the railroad industry.  The agency fell under the Committee’s jurisdiction and set a precedent for government regulatory function.  During the 74th Congress the Committee expanded its jurisdiction to include radio-related matters but also gave away its jurisdiction over water transportation, the Coast Guard, lighthouses, and the Panama Canal.

The 1946 Legislative Reorganization Act formalized the Committee’s jurisdiction to include general interstate and foreign commerce issues.  During this time interstate and foreign commerce related to interstate oil compacts, energy resources on public lands, securities and exchanges, interstate power transmission, public health and quarantine, some regulation of interstate and foreign transportation, railroad labor, inland waterways, civil aeronautics, the Weather Bureau, the Bureau of Standards and weights and measure standards.  Jurisdiction over the Bureau of Standards, weights and measures, and the metric system were transferred from the Committee on Energy and Commerce to the newly created Committee on Science and Astronautics (today’s Committee on Science and Technology).

In 1974 the Committee Reform Amendments gave the Committee many of the jurisdictional responsibilities it has today: consumer affairs and protection, health care and facilities, and biomedical research.  Further reforms made during the 96th Congress gave the Committee jurisdiction over energy policy and oversight over the Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission which currently dominates the agenda.  Minor changes in the 104th and 107th Congresses refined the scope of the Committee’s jurisdiction over energy issues and granted jurisdiction over securities and exchanges to the Committee on Financial Services. 

Over the 200 plus years of its existence the Committee on Energy and Commerce has handled several pieces of landmark legislation including the Public Health Service Act, the Social Security Act, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, the NAFTA Implementation Act, the Energy Policy Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Membership History

Following is a historical list of the Members of the Committee on Energy and Commerce (1995-2000, Committee on Commerce; 1981-1994, Committee on Energy and Commerce; prior to 1981, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce).  This list includes the Committee memberships for the 81st - 109th Congress, in descending chronological order.  Immediately below is a "links list" which will take you directly to a specific Congress:

 110th 109th 108th 107th 106th
105th 104th 103rd 102nd 101st
100th 99th 98th 97th 96th
95th 94th 93rd 92nd 91st
90th 89th 88th 87th 86th
85th 84th 83rd 82nd 81st

110th Congress

John D. Dingell (MI), Chairman

Henry A. Waxman, CA Joe Barton, TX, Ranking Member
Edward J. Markey, MA Ralph M. Hall, TX
Rick Boucher, VA Fred Upton, MI
Edolphus Towns, NY Cliff Stearns, FL
Frank Pallone, Jr., NJ Nathan Deal, GA
Bart Gordon, TN Ed Whitfield, KY
Bobby L. Rush, IL Barbara Cubin, WY
Anna G. Eshoo, CA John Shimkus, IL
Bart Stupak, MI Heather Wilson, NM
Eliot L. Engel, NY John Shadegg, AZ
Gene Green, TX Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, MS
Diana DeGette, CO, Vice Chair Vito Fossella, NY
Lois Capps, CA Roy Blunt, MO***
Mike Doyle, PA Steve Buyer, IN
Jane Harman, CA George Radanovich, CA
Tom Allen, ME Joseph R. Pitts, PA
Jan Schakowsky, IL Mary Bono Mack, CA
Hilda L. Solis, CA Greg Walden, OR
Charles A. Gonzalez, TX Lee Terry, NE
Jay Inslee, WA Mike Ferguson, NJ
Tammy Baldwin, WI Mike Rogers, MI
Mike Ross, AR Sue Wilkins Myrick, NC
Darlene Hooley, OR John Sullivan, OK
Anthony D. Weiner, NY Tim Murphy, PA
Jim Matheson, UT Michael C. Burgess, TX
G. K. Butterfield, NC Marsha Blackburn, TN*
Charlie Melancon, LA  
John Barrow, GA  
Baron P. Hill, IN  
Doris O. Matsui



109th Congress
First Session:
Second Session:

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Joe Barton, R-Texas, Chairman


Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio
Nathan Deal, Georgia
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Charlie Norwood, Georgia
Barbara Cubin, Wyoming
John Shimkus, Illinois
Heather Wilson, New Mexico
John B. Shadegg, Arizona
Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi
Vito Fossella, New York
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Steve Buyer, Indiana
George Radanovich, California
Charles F. Bass, New Hampshire
Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania
Mary Bono, California
Greg Walden, Oregon
Lee Terry, Nebraska
Mike Ferguson, New Jersey
Mike Rogers, Michigan
C.L. "Butch" Otter, Idaho
Sue Wilkins Myrick, North Carolina
John Sullivan, Oklahoma
Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania
Michael Burgess, Texas
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee


John D. Dingell, Michingan, Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Edolphus Towns, New York
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
Anna G. Eshoo, California
Bart Stupak, Michigan
Eliot L. Engel, New York
Albert R. Wynn, Maryland
Gene Green, Texas
Ted Strickland, Ohio
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Lois Capps, California
Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania
Tom Allen, Maine
Jim Davis, Florida
Jan Schakowsky, Illinois
Hilda L. Solis, California
Charles A. Gonzalez, Texas
Jay Inslee, Washington
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Mike Ross, Arkansas

108th Congress
First Session: 1/7/2003 - 12/8/2003
Second Session: 1/20/2004 - 12/7/2004

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Joe Barton , R-Texas, Chairman4
(2/26/2004 - 12/7/2004)
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, R-Louisiana, Chairman3
(1/29/2003 - 2/15/2004)


W.J. "Billy Tauzin, Louisiana
Ralph M. Hall, Texas1
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania5
Christopher Cox, California
Nathan Deal, Georgia
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Charlie Norwood, Georgia
Barbara Cubin, Wyoming
John Shimkus, Illinois
Heather Wilson, New Mexico
John B. Shadegg, Arizona
Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi, Vice Chairman
Vito Fossella, New York
Steve Buyer, Indiana
George Radanovich, California
Charles F. Bass, New Hampshire
Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania
Mary Bono, California
Greg Walden, Oregon
Lee Terry, Nebraska
Mike Ferguson, New Jersey
Mike Rogers, Michigan
Darrell E. Issa, California
C.L. "Butch" Otter, Idaho
John Sullivan, Oklahoma2


John D. Dingell, Michigan, Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Rick Boucher, Virginia 
Edolphus Towns, New York
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Peter Deutsch, Florida
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
Anna G. Eshoo, California
Bart Stupak, Michigan
Eliot L. Engel, New York
Albert R. Wynn, Maryland
Gene Green, Texas
Karen McCarthy, Missouri
Ted Strickland, Ohio
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Lois Capps, California
Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania
Chris John, Louisiana
Tom Allen, Maine
Jim Davis, Florida
Jan Schakowsky, Illinois
Hilda L. Solis, California
Charles A. Gonzalez, Texas

*Representative Ernie Fletcher (R-KY) resigned as a Member of the House of Representatives on December 8, 2003.
*Representative Roy Blunt (R-MO) resigned from the Committee on Energy and Commerce on January 28, 2004.
1Representative Ralph Hall (R-TX) resigned from the Democratic Caucus on January 5, 2004. He was elected to the Committee on Energy and Commerce for the 108th Congress on January 28, 2004, pursuant to H.Res. 505.
2Representative John Sullivan (R-OK) was elected to the Committee on Energy and Commerce for the 108th Congress on January 28, 2004, pursuant to H.Res. 505.
3Representative W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-LA) resigned as Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce on February 15, 2004.
4Representative Joe Barton (R-TX) was elected Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce on February 26, 2004.
5Representative James C. Greenwood resigned as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on July 21, 2004.

107th Congress
First Session: 1/3/2001 - 12/20/2001
Second Session: 1/23/2002 - 11/22/2002

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, R-Louisiana, Chairman


W.J. "Billy Tauzin, Louisiana
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Joe Barton, Texas
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania
Christopher Cox, California
Nathan Deal, Georgia
Steve Largent, Oklahoma
Richard Burr, North Carolina, Vice Chairman
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Greg Ganske, Iowa
Charlie Norwood, Georgia
Barbara Cubin, Wyoming
John Shimkus, Illinois
Heather Wilson, New Mexico
John B. Shadegg, Arizona
Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi
Vito Fossella, New York
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Tom Davis, Virginia
Ed Bryant, Tennessee
Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Maryland
Steve Buyer, Indiana
George Radanovich, California
Charles F. Bass, New Hampshire
Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania
Mary Bono, California
Greg Walden, Oregon
Lee Terry, Nebraska
Ernie Fletcher, Kentucky


John D. Dingell, Michigan, Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Rick Boucher, Virginia 
Edolphus Towns, New York
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey *
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Peter Deutsch, Florida
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
Anna G. Eshoo, California
Bart Stupak, Michigan
Eliot L. Engel, New York
Thomas C. Sawyer, Ohio
Albert R. Wynn, Maryland
Gene Green, Texas
Karen McCarthy, Missouri
Ted Strickland, Ohio
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Thomas M. Barrett, Wisconsin
Bill Luther, Minnesota
Lois Capps, California
Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania
Chris John, Louisiana
Jane Harman, California

106th Congress
First Session: 1/6/1999 - 11/22/1999
Second Session: 1/24/2000 - 12/15/2000

Committee on Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., R-Virginia, Chairman


W.J. "Billy Tauzin, Louisiana
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Joe Barton, Texas
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio, Vice Chairman
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania
Christopher Cox, California
Nathan Deal, Georgia
Steve Largent, Oklahoma
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Brian P. Bilbray, California
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Greg Ganske, Iowa
Charlie Norwood, Georgia
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Rick Lazio, New York
Barbara Cubin, Wyoming
James E. Rogan, California
John Shimkus, Illinois
Heather Wilson, New Mexico
John B. Shadegg, Arizona
Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi
Vito Fossella, New York
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Ed Bryant, Tennessee
Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Maryland


John D. Dingell, Michigan, Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Rick Boucher, Virginia 
Edolphus Towns, New York
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey *
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Peter Deutsch, Florida
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
Anna G. Eshoo, California
Ron Klink, Pennsylvania
Bart Stupak, Michigan
Eliot L. Engel, New York
Thomas C. Sawyer, Ohio
Albert R. Wynn, Maryland
Gene Green, Texas
Karen McCarthy, Missouri
Ted Strickland, Ohio
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Thomas M. Barrett, Wisconsin
Bill Luther, Minnesota
Lois Capps, California

105th Congress
First Session: 1/7/1997 - 11/13/1997
Second Session: 1/27/1997 - 10/21/1998

Committee on Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., R-Virginia, Chairman


W.J. "Billy Tauzin, Louisiana
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Dan Schaefer, Colorado
Joe Barton, Texas
J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Bill Paxon, New York
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio, Vice Chairman
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania
Michael D. Crapo, Idaho
Christopher Cox, California
Nathan Deal, Georgia
Steve Largent, Oklahoma
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Brian P. Bilbray, California
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Greg Ganske, Iowa
Charlie Norwood, Georgia
Rick White, Washington
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Rick Lazio, New York
Barbara Cubin, Wyoming
James E. Rogan, California
John Shimkus, Illinois
Heather Wilson, New Mexico **


John D. Dingell, Michigan, Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Rick Boucher, Virginia 
Thomas J. Manton, New York
Edolphus Towns, New York
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey *
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Elizabeth Furse, Oregon
Peter Deutsch, Florida
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
Anna G. Eshoo, California
Ron Klink, Pennsylvania
Bart Stupak, Michigan
Eliot L. Engel, New York
Thomas C. Sawyer, Ohio
Albert R. Wynn, Maryland
Gene Green, Texas
Karen McCarthy, Missouri
Ted Strickland, Ohio
Diana DeGette, Colorado

* Representative Bill Richardson (D-NM) resigned as a Member of the House of Representatives on February 13, 1997; he was subsequently sworn in as the Ambassador to the United Nations on that same date.  Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) was elected to the Committee on Commerce for the 105th Congress on February 13, 1997.  Previously, Mr. Pallone had been on sabbatical leave from the Committee since the beginning of the 105th Congress.
** Representative Scott L. Klug (R-WI) resigned as a Member of the Committee on Commerce on August 3, 1998.  Representative Heather Wilson (R-NM) was elected to the Committee on Commerce for the 105th Congress on August 3, 1998, pursuant to H.Res. 515, which passed the House on August 3, 1998.

104th Congress
First Session: 1/4/1995 - 12/31/1995
Second Session: 1/3/1996 - 10/4/1996

Committee on Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., R-Virginia, Chairman


Carlos J. Moorhead, California, Vice Chairman
W.J. "Billy Tauzin, Louisiana
Jack Fields, Texas
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Dan Schaefer, Colorado
Joe Barton, Texas
J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Bill Paxon, New York
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio
Scott L. Klug, Wisconsin
Gary A. Franks, Connecticut
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania
Michael D. Crapo, Idaho
Christopher Cox, California
Nathan Deal, Georgia
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Brian P. Bilbray, California
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Greg Ganske, Iowa
Dan Frisa, New York
Charlie Norwood, Georgia
Rick White, Washington
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma


John D. Dingell, Michigan, Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Bill Richardson, New Mexico
John Bryant, Texas
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Thomas J. Manton, New York
Edolphus Towns, New York
Gerry E. Studds, Massachusetts
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Blanche M. Lambert Lincoln, Arkansas
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Elizabeth Furse, Oregon
Peter Deutsch, Florida
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
Anna G. Eshoo, California
Ron Klink, Pennsylvania
Bart Stupak, Michigan
Eliot L. Engel, New York


103rd Congress
First Session: 1/5/1993 - 11/26/1993
Second Session: 1/25/1994 - 10/8/1994

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

John D. Dingell, D-Michigan, Chairman


Henry A. Waxman, California
Phillip R. Sharp, Indiana
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Al Swift, Washington
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Mike Synar, Oklahoma
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Bill Richardson, New Mexico
Jim Slattery, Kansas
John Bryant, Texas
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Jim Cooper, Tennessee
J. Roy Rowland, Georgia
Thomas J. Manton, New York
Edolphus Towns, New York
Gerry E. Studds, Massachusetts
Richard H. Lehman, California
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey
Craig A. Washington, Texas
Lynn Schenk, California
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Mike Kreidler, Washington
Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Pennsylvania
Blanche M. Lambert, Arkansas


Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Virginia
Jack Fields, Texas
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Dan Schaefer, Colorado
Joe Barton, Texas
Alex McMillan, North Carolina
J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Bill Paxon, New York
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio
Scott Klug, Wisconsin
Gary A. Franks, Connecticut
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania
Michael D. Crapo, Idaho

102nd Congress

First Session: 1/3/1991 - 1/3/1992
Second Session: 1/3/1992 - 10/9/1992

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

John D. Dingell, D-Michigan, Chairman


James H. Scheuer, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Phillip R. Sharp, Indiana
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Al Swift, Washington
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Mike Synar, Oklahoma
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Dennis E. Eckart, Ohio
Bill Richardson, New Mexico
Jim Slattery, Kansas
Gerry Sikorski, Minnesota
John Bryant, Texas
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Jim Cooper, Tennessee
Terry L. Bruce, Illinois
J. Roy Rowland, Georgia
Thomas J. Manton, New York
Edolphus Towns, New York
C. Thomas McMillen, Maryland
Gerry E. Studds, Massachusetts
Peter H. Kostmayer, Pennsylvania
Richard H. Lehman, California
Claude Harris, Alabama


Norman F. Lent, New York
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
William E. Dannemeyer, California
Don Ritter, Pennsylvania
Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Virginia
Jack Fields, Texas
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Dan Schaefer, Colorado
Joe Barton, Texas
Sonny Callahan, Alabama
Alex McMillan, North Carolina
J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois
Clyde C. Holloway, Louisiana
Fred Upton, Michigan*

* Appointed Member of Committee on March 11, 1991, to fill vacancy created by the resignation of the Honorable Edward R. Madigan, Illinois, on March 8, 1991.

101st Congress

First Session: 1/3/1989 - 11/22/1989
Second Session: 1/23/1990 - 10/28/1990

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

John D. Dingell, D-Michigan, Chairman


James H. Scheuer, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Philip R. Sharp, Indiana
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio
Doug Walgren, Pennsylvania
Al Swift, Washinton
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Mike Synar, Oklahoma
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Dennis E. Eckart, Ohio
Bill Richardson, New Mexico
Jim Slattery, Kansas
Gerry Sikorski, Minnesota
John Bryant, Texas
Jim Bates, California
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Jim Cooper, Tennessee
Terry L. Bruce, Illinois
J. Roy Rowland, Georgia
Thomas J. Manton, New York
Edolphus Towns, New York*
C. Thomas McMillen, Maryland**


Norman F. Lent, New York
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
William E. Dannemeyer, California
Bob Whittaker, Kansas
Thomas J. Tauke, Iowa
Don Ritter, Pennsylvania
Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Virginia
Jack Fields, Texas
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Howard C. Nielson, Utah
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Dan Schaefer, Colorado
Joe Barton, Texas
Sonny Callahan, Alabama
Alex McMillan, North Carolina

*Appointed Member of Committee on November 8, 1989, to fill vacancy created by the death of the Honorable Mickey Leland, Texas, on August 7, 1989.
**Appointed Member of Committee on February 27, 1990, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the Honorable James J. Florio, New Jersey, on January 16, 1990.

100th Congress

First Session: 1/6/1987 - 12/22/1987
Second Session: 1/25/1988 - 10/22/1988

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

John D. Dingell, D-Michigan, Chairman


James H. Scheuer, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Philip R. Sharp, Indiana
James J. Florio, New Jersey
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio
Doug Walgren, Pennsylvania
Al Swift, Washington
Mickey Leland, Texas
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Mike Synar, Oklahoma
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Dennis E. Eckart, Ohio
Wayne Dowdy, Mississippi
Bill Richardson, New Mexico
Jim Slattery, Kansas
Gerry Sikorski, Minnesota
John Bryant, Texas
Jim Bates, California
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Jim Cooper, Tennesssee
Terry L. Bruce, Illinois


Norman F. Lent, New York
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
William E. Dannemeyer, California
Bob Whittaker, Kansas
Thomas J. Tauke, Iowa
Don Ritter, Pennsylvania
Dan Coats, Indiana
Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Virginia
Jack Fields, Texas
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Howard C. Nielson, Utah
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Dan Schaefer, Colorado
Joe Barton, Texas
Sonny Callahan, Alabama

99th Congress

First Session: 1/4/1985 - 12/20/1985
Second Session: 1/21/1986 - 10/18/1986

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

John D. Dingell, D-Michigan, Chairman


James H. Scheuer, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Timothy E. Wirth, Colorado
Philip R. Sharp, Indiana
James J. Florio, New Jersey
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio
Doug Walgren, Pennsylvania
Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland
Al Swift, Washington
Mickey Leland, Texas
Richard C. Shelby, Alabama
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Mike Synar, Oklahoma
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Dennis E. Eckart, Ohio
Wayne Dowdy, Mississippi
Bill Richardson, New Mexico
Jim Slattery, Kansas
Gerry Sikorski, Minnesota
John Bryant, Texas
Jim Bates, Califoria


Norman F. Lent, New York*
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
William E. Dannemeyer, California
Bob Whittaker, Kansas
Thomas J. Tauke, Iowa
Don Ritter, Pennsylvania
Dan Coats, Indiana
Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Virginia
Jack Fields, Texas
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Howard C. Nielson, Utah
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Dan Schaefer, Colorado
Fred J. Eckert, New York
Trent Lott, Mississippi**

*Elected Ranking Minority Member, July 17, 1986, to fill the vacancy created by resignation of James T. Broyhill, North Carolina, as Member of Congress, July 14, 1986.
**Appointed Member of Committee, July 23, 1986, to fill vacancy created by resignation of James T. Broyhill, North Carolina, as Member of Congress, July 14, 1986.

98th Congress

First Session: 1/3/1983 - 11/18/1983
Second Session: 1/23/1984 - 10/12/1984

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

John D. Dingell, D-Michigan, Chairman


James H. Scheuer, New York
Richard L. Ottinger, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Timothy E. Wirth, Colorado
James J. Florio, New Jersey
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio
Doug Walgren, Pennsylvania
Albert Gore, Jr., Tennessee
Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland
Al Swift, Washington
Mickey Leland, Texas
Richard C. Shelby, Alabama
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Mike Synar, Oklahoma
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Dennis E. Eckart, Ohio
Wayne Dowdy, Mississippi
Bill Richardson, New Mexico
Jim Slattery, Kansas
Gerry Sikorski, Minnesota
John Bryant, Texas
Jim Bates, California


James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
Norman F. Lent, New York
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
Tom Corcoran, Illinois
William E. Dannemeyer, California
Bob Whittaker, Kansas
Thomas J. Tauke, Iowa
Don Ritter, Pennsylvania
Dan Coats, Indiana
Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Virginia
Jack Fields, Texas
Michael G. Oxley, Ohio
Howard C. Nielson, Utah

97th Congress

First Session: 1/5/1981 - 12/16/1981
Second Session: 1/25/1982 - 12/21/1982

Committee on Energy and Commerce
Full Committee Membership

John D. Dingell, D-Michigan, Chairman


James H. Scheuer, New York
Richard L. Ottinger, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Timothy E. Wirth, Colorado
Philip R. Sharp, Indiana
James J. Florio, New Jersey
Anthony Toby Moffett, Connecticut
Jim Santini, Nevada
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio
Doug Walgren, Pennsylvania
Albert Gore, Jr., Tennessee
Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland
Ronald M. Mottl, Ohio
Phil Gramm, Texas
Al Swift, Washington
Mickey Leland, Texas
Richard C. Shelby, Alabama
Cardiss Collins, Illinois
Mike Synar, Oklahoma
W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Ralph M. Hall, Texas


James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
Clarence J. Brown, Ohio
James M. Collins, Texas
Norman F. Lent, New York
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
Marc L. Marks, Pennsylvania
Tom Corcoran, Illinois
Gary A. Lee, New York
William E. Dannemeyer, California
Robert (Bob) Whittaker, Kansas
Thomas J. Tauke, Iowa
Don Ritter, Pennsylvania
Harold Rogers, Kentucky
Cleve Benedict, West Virginia
Dan Coats, Indiana
Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., Virginia

96th Congress

First Session: 1/15/1979 - 1/3/1980
Second Session: 1/3/1980 - 12/16/1980

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman


John D. Dingell, Michigan
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
John M. Murphy, New York
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia
Bob Eckhardt, Texas
Richardson Preyer, North Carolina
James H. Scheuer, New York
Richard L. Ottinger, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Timothy E. Wirth, Colorado
Philip R. Sharp, Indiana
James J. Florio, New Jersey
Anthony Toby Moffett, Connecticut
Jim Santini, Nevada
Andrew Maguire, New Jersey
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio
Doug Walgren, Pennsylvania
Albert Gore, Jr., Tennessee
Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland
Ronald M. Mottl, Ohio
Phil Gramm, Texas
Al Swift, Washington
Mickey Leland, Texas
Richard C. Shelby, Alabama
Robert T. Matsui, California**


James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio*
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
Clarence J. Brown, Ohio
James M. Collins, Texas
Norman F. Lent, New York
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
Dave Stockman, Michigan
Marc L. Marks, Pennsylvania
Tom Corcoran, Illinois
Gary A. Lee, New York
Tom G. Loeffler, Texas
William E. Dannemeyer, California

*Resigned as ranking Minority Member of Committee, June 27, 1979, under provisions of H. Res. 342, and was elected to rank after Mr. Broyhill on the Committee.
**Elected Nov. 7, 1979, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Marty Russo, Illinois, on October 23, 1979.

95th Congress

First Session: 1/4/1977 - 12/15/1977
Second Session: 1/19/1978 - 10/15/1978

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman


John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania
John M. Murphy, New York
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia
Brock Adams, Washington*
Bob Eckhardt, Texas
Richardson Preyer, North Carolina
Charles J. Carney, Ohio
Ralph H. Metcalfe, Illinois**
James H. Scheuer, New York
Richard L. Ottinger, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Robert (Bob) Krueger, Texas
Timothy E. Wirth, Colorado
Philip R. Sharp, Indiana
James J. Florio, New Jersey
Anthony Toby Moffett, Connecticut
Jim Santini, Nevada
Andrew Maguire, New Jersey
Marty Russo, Illinois
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio
Doug Walgren, Pennsylvania
Bob Gammage, Texas
Albert Gore, Jr., Tennessee
Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland


Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
Clarence J. Brown, Ohio
Joe Skubitz, Kansas
James M. Collins, Texas
Louis Frey, Jr., Florida
Norman F. Lent, New York
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
W. Henson Moore, Louisiana
Dave Stockman, Michigan
Marc L. Marks, Pennsylvania

*Resigned from Congress to become Secretary of Transportation Jan. 22, 1977.
**Deceased, Oct 10, 1978.

94th Congress

First Session: 1/14/1975 - 12/19/1975
Second Session: 1/19/1976 - 10/1/1976

Commitee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman


Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts****
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania
John M. Murphy, New York
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia
Brock Adams, Washington
W. S. (Bill) Stuckey, Jr., Georgia
Bob Eckhardt, Texas
Richardson Preyer, North Carolina
James W. Symington, Missouri
Charles J. Carney, Ohio
Ralph H. Metcalfe, Illinois
Goodloe E. Byron, Maryland
James H. Scheuer, New York
Richard L. Ottinger, New York
Henry A. Waxman, California
Robert (Bob) Krueger, Texas
Timothy E. Wirth, Colorado
Philip R. Sharp, Indiana
William M. Brodhead, Michigan
James J. Florio, New Jersey
Anthony Toby Moffett, Connecticutt
Jim Santini, Nevada
Andrew Maguire, New Jersey*
Martin A. Russo, Illinois***
------- ------*****


Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
Clarence J. Brown, Ohio
Joe Skubitz, Kansas
James M. Collins, Texas
Louis Frey, Jr., Florida
John Y. McCollister, Nebraska
Norman F. Lent, New York
H. John Heinz III, Pennsylvania
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois
Carlos J. Moorhead, California
Matthew J. Rinaldo, New Jersey
W. Henson Moore, Louisiana**

*Appointed Member of Committee, Mar. 18, 1975, to fill vacancy created by resignation of John Jarman of Oklahoma.
**Appointed Member of Committee, Jan. 27, 1976, to fill vacancy created by resignation of James F. Hastings as a Member of Congress, Jan. 20, 1976.
***Appointed Member of Committee, Apr. 13, 1976, to fill vacancy created by resignation of W. G. (Bill) Hefner, North Carolina, as Member of Committee, Apr. 8, 1976.
****Deceased, May 21, 1976.
*****Vacancy created by the death of Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts.

93rd Congress

First Session: 1/3/1973 - 12/22/1973
Second Session: 1/21/1974 - 12/20/1974

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman


Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
John Jarman, Oklahoma
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
J.J. Pickle, Texas
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania
John M. Murphy, New York
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia
Brock Adams, Washington
W. S. (Bill) Stuckey, Jr., Georgia
Peter N. Kyros, Maine
Bob Eckhardt, Texas
Richardson Preyer, North Carolina
Bertram L. Podell, New York
Henry Helstoski, New Jersey
James W. Symington, Missouri
Charles J. Carney, Ohio
Ralph H. Metcalfe, Illinois
Goodloe E. Byron, Maryland
William R. Roy, Kansas
John Breckinridge, Kentucky
Thomas A. Luken, Ohio*


Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
Clarence J. Brown, Ohio
Dan Kuykendall, Tennessee
Joe Skubitz, Kansas
James F. Hastings, New York
James M. Collins, Texas
Louis Frey, Jr., Florida
John Ware, Pennsylvania
John Y. McCollister, Nebraska
Richard G. Shoup, Montana
Barry M. Goldwater, Jr., California
Norman F. Lent, New York
H. John Heinz III, Pennsylvania
William H. Hudnut III, Indiana
Samuel H. Young, Illinois
Edward R. Madigan, Illinois**

*Appointed March 13, 1974.
**Appointed May 1, 1974, vice James Harvey, resigned.

92nd Congress

First Session: 1/21/1971 - 12/17/1971
Second Session: 1/18/1972 - 10/18/1972

Committtee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman


Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
John Jarman, Oklahoma
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
J. J. Pickle, Texas
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania
John M. Murphy, New York
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia
Brock Adams, Washington
Ray Blanton, Tennessee
W. S. (Bill) Stuckey, Jr., Georgia
Peter N. Kyros, Maine
Bob Eckhardt, Texas
Robert O. Tiernan, Rhode Island
Richardson Preyer, North Carolina
Bertram L. Podell, New York
Henry Helstoski, New Jersey
James W. Symington, Missouri
Charles J. Carney, Ohio
Ralph H. Metcalfe, Illinois
Goodloe E. Byron, Maryland
William R. Roy, Kansas


William L. Springer, Illinois
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
Hastings Keith, Massachusetts
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
James Harvey, Michigan
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
Clarence J. Brown, Ohio
Dan Kuykendall, Tennessee
Joe Skubitz, Kansas
Fletcher Thompson, Georgia
James F. Hastings, New York
John G. Schmitz, California
James M. Collins, Texas
Louis Frey, Jr., Florida
John Ware, Pennsylvania
John Y. McCollister, Nebraska
Richard G. Shoup, Montana

91st Congress

First Session: 1/3/1969 - 12/23/1969
Second Session: 1/19/1970 - 1/2/1971

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman


Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
John Jarman, Oklahoma
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
J. J. Pickle, Texas
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia
Brock Adams, Washington
Richard L. Ottinger, New York
Ray Blanton, Tennessee
W. S. (Bill) Stuckey, Jr., Georgia
Peter N. Kyros, Maine
Bob Eckhardt, Texas
Robet O. Tiernan, Rhode Island
Richardson Preyer, North Carolina
Bertram L. Podell, New York***
------- -------*


William L. Springer, Illinois
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
Hastings Keith, Massachusetts
Glenn Cunningham, Nebraska
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
James Harvey, Michigan
Albert W. Watson, South Carolina
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
Donald G. Brotzman, Colorado
Clarence J. Brown, Ohio
Dan Kuykendall, Tennessee
Joe Skubitz, Kansas
Fletcher Thompson, Georgia
James F. Hastings, New York
John G. Schmitz, California**

*Vacancy due to death of Daniel J. Ronan, Illinois, Aug. 13, 1969.
**Appointed to Commitee Sept. 23, 1970, vice G. Robert Watkins, deceased.
***Appointed to Committee Dec. 8, 1970, vice Ricahrd L. Ottinger, resigned.

90th Congress

First Session: 1/10/1967 - 12/15/1967
Second Session: 1/15/1968 - 10/14/1968

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman


Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
John Jarman, Oklahoma
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Horace R. Kornegay, North Carolina
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
J. J. Pickle, Texas
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania
John M. Murphy, New York
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia Daniel J. Ronan, Illinois
Brock Adams, Washington
Richard L. Ottinger, New York
Ray Blanton, Tennessee
W. S. Stuckey, Jr., Georgia*
Peter N. Kyros, Maine**


William L. Springer, Illinois
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
Hastings Keith, Massachusetts
Glenn Cunningham, Nebraska
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
James Harvey, Michigan
Albert W. Watson, South Carolina
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
G. Robert Watkins, Pennsylvania
Donald G. Brotzman, Colorado
Clarence J. Brown, Jr., Ohio
Dan Kuykendall, Tennessee
Joe Skubitz, Kansas***

*Appointed to Committee May 25, 1967.
**Appointed to Committee May 25, 1967.
***Appointed to Committee Aug. 1, 1967, vice J. Arthur Younger, deceased.

89th Congress

First Session: 1/4/1965 - 10/23/1965
Second Session: 1/10/1966 - 10/22/1966

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Harley O. Staggers, D-West Virginia, Chairman**


Walter Rogers, Texas
Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
Torbet H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
John Jarman, Oklahoma
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Horace R. Kornegay, North Carolina
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
J. J. Pickle, Texas
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania
John M. Murphy, New York
David E. Satterfield III, Virginia
Daniel J. Ronan, Illinois
J. Oliva Huot, New Hampshire
James A. Mackay, Georgia
John J. Gilligan, Ohio
John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Brock Adams, Washington***
Richard L. Ottinger, New York****
William R. Anderson, Tennessee******


William L. Springer, Illinois
J. Arthur Younger, California
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
Hastings Keith, Massachusetts
Glenn Cunningham, Nebraska
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
James Harvey, Michigan
Albert W. Watson, South Carolina*
Tim Lee Carter, Kentucky
G. Robert Watkins, Pennsylvania*****

*Appointed Member of Committee, June 23, 1965, vice Howard H. Callaway, resigned.
**Elected Chairman of Committee, Jan 13, 1966, vice Oren Harris, resigned.
***Appointed Member of Committee, Mar. 8, 1966, to fill vacancy created by resignation of Oren Harris.
****Appointed Member of Committee, Oct. 18, 1966, vice Leo W. O'Brien, resigned.
*****Appointed Member of Committee, Oct. 19, 1966, vice Willard S. Curtin, resigned.
******Appointed Member of Committee, Oct. 21, 1966, vice Charles P. Farnsley, resigned.

88th Congress

First Session: 1/9/1963 - 12/30/1963
Second Session: 1/7/1964 - 10/3/1964

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Oren Harris, D-Arkansas, Chairman


John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Kenneth A. Roberts, Alabama
Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia
Walter Rogers, Texas
Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
John Jarman, Oklahoma
Leo W. O'Brien, New York
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
James C. Healey, New York
Horace R. Kornegay, North Carolina
Gillis W. Long, Louisisana
Lionel Van Deerlin, California
James J. Pickle, Texas*
Albert W. Watson, South Carolina**
Fred B. Rooney, Pennsylvania***
-------- -------****


William L. Springer, Illinois
Paul F. Schenck, Ohio
J. Arthur Younger, California
Milton W. Glenn, New Jersey
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
Hastings Keith, Massachusetts
Willard S. Curtin, Pennsylvania
Abner W. Sibal, Connecticut
Glenn Cunningham, Nebraska
James T. Broyhill, North Carolina
Donald G. Brotzman, Colorado
James Harvey, Michigan*****

*Appointed Member of Committee, February 25, 1964, vice George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania, resigned.
**Appointed Member of Committee, May 20, 1964, vice Robert W. Hemphill, South Carolina, resigned.
***Appointed Member of Committee, May 20, 1964, vice Dan Rostenkowski, Illinois, resigned.
****Vacancy due to resignation of W. R. Hull, Jr., Missouri, June 2, 1964.
*****Appointed Member of Committee, October 1, 1964, vice John B. Bennett, Michigan, deceased.

87th Congress

First Session: 1/3/1961 - 9/26/1961
Second Session: 1/10/1962 - 10/13/1962

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Oren Harris, D-Arkansas, Chairman


John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Peter F. Mack, Jr., Illinois
Kenneth A. Roberts, Alabama
Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri
Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia
Walter Rogers, Texas
Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania
John Jarman, Oklahoma
Leo W. O'Brien, New York
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Joe M. Kilgore, Texas
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Robert W. Hemphill, South Carolina
Dan Rostenkowski, Illinois
James C. Healey, New York
Horace R. Kornegay, North Carolina**


John B. Bennett, Michigan
William L. Springer, Illinois
Paul F. Schenck, Ohio
J. Arthur Younger, California
Harold R. Collier, Illinois
Milton W. Glenn, New Jersey
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
Hastings Keith, Massachusetts
Willard S. Curtin, Pennsylvania
Abner W. Sibal, Connecticut
Vernon W. Thomson, Wisconsin
Peter H. Dominick, Colorado*

*Appointed Member of Committee, Mar. 28, 1961, vice William H. Avery, resigned.
**Appointed Member of Committee, Jan. 18, 1962, vice John J. Flynt, Jr., resigned.

86th Congress

First Session: 1/7/1959 - 9/15/1959
Second Session: 1/6/1960 - 9/1/1960

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Oren Harris, D-Arkansas, Chairman


John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Peter F. Mack, Jr., Illinois
Kenneth A. Roberts, Alabama
Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri
Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia
Walter Rogers, Texas
Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
John J. Flynt, Jr., Georgia
Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania
John Jarman, Oklahoma
Leo W. O'Brien, New York
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Joe M. Kilgore, Texas
Paul G. Rogers, Florida
Robert W. Hemphill, South Carolina
Dan Rostenkowski, Illinois
Larry Brock, Nebraska
James C. Healey, New York*


John B. Bennett, Michigan
William L. Springer, Illinois
Paul F. Schenck, Ohio
Steven B. Derounian, New York
J. Arthur Younger, California
William H. Avery, Kansas
Harold R. Collier, Illinois
Milton W. Glenn, New Jersey
Samuel L. Devine, Ohio
Ancher Nelsen, Minnesota
Hastings Keith, Massachusetts
Willard S. Curtin, Pennsylvania**

*Appointed Member of Committee, Aug 27, 1959, vice Isidore Dollinger, New York, resigned.
**Appointed Member of Committee, Jan. 18, 1960, vice Alvin R. Bush, Pennsylvania, deceased.

85th Congress

First Session: 1/3/1957 - 8/30/1957
Second Session: 1/7/1958 - 8/24/1958

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Oren Harris, D-Arkansas, Chairman


John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Peter F. Mack, Jr., Illinois
Kenneth A. Roberts, Alabama
Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri
Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia
Isidore Dollinger, New York
Walter Rogers, Texas
Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
John J. Flynt, Jr., Georgia
Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania
John Jarman, Oklahoma
Leo W. O'Brien, New York
John E. Moss, California
John D. Dingell, Michigan
J. Carlton Loser, Tennessee
Joe M. Kilgore, Texas*


Charles A. Wolverton, New Jersey
Joseph P. O'Hara, Minnesota
Robert Hale, Maine
John W. Heselton, Massachusetts
John B. Bennett, Michigan
John V. Beamer, Indiana
William L. Springer, Illinois
Alvin R. Bush, Pennsylvania
Paul F. Schenck, Ohio
Joseph L. Carrigg, Pennsylvania
Steven B. Derounian, New York
J. Arthur Younger, California
William H. Avery, Kansas
Bruce Alger, Texas
Will E. Neal, West Virginia

*Appointed Member of Committee, July 21, 1958, vice Martin Dies, Texas, resigned.

84th Congress

First Session: 1/5/1955 - 8/2/1955
Second Session: 1/3/1956 - 7/27/1956

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

J. Percy Priest, D-Tennessee, Chairman


Oren Harris, Arkansas
Arthur G. Klein, New York
F. Ertel Carlyle, North Carolina
John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Peter F. Mack, Jr., Illinois
Kenneth A. Roberts, Alabama
Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri
Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia
Isidore Dollinger, New York
Walter Rogers, Texas
Martin Dies, Texas
Samuel N. Friedel, Maryland
John J. Flynt, Jr., Georgia
Torbert H. Macdonald, Massachusetts
Don Hayworth, Michigan
George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania*


Charles A. Wolverton, New Jersey
Carl Hinshaw, California**
Joseph P. O'Hara, Minnesota
Robert Hale, Maine
James I. Dolliver, Iowa
John W. Heselton, Massachusetts
John B. Bennett, Michigan
Richard W. Hoffman, Illinois
John V. Beamer, Indiana
William L. Springer, Illinois
Alvin R. Bush, Pennsylvania
Paul F. Schenck, Ohio
Joseph L. Carrigg, Pennsylvania
Steven B. Derounian, New York

*Appointed, July 24, 1956, vice William T. Granahan, Pennsylvania, deceased, May 25, 1956.
**Deceased, August 5, 1956.

83rd Congress

First Session: 1/3/1953 - 8/3/1953
Second Session: 1/6/1954 - 12/2/1954

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Charles A. Wolverton, R-New Jersey, Chairman


Carl Hinshaw, California
Joseph P. O'Hara, Minnesota
Robert Hale, Maine
James I. Dolliver, Iowa
John W. Heselton, Massachusetts
John B. Bennett, Michigan
Richard W. Hoffman, Illinois
John V. Beamer, Indiana
William L. Springer, Illinois
Alvin R. Bush, Pennsylvania
Paul F. Schenck, Ohio
Herbert B. Warburton, Delaware
Steven B. Derounian, New York
Thomas M. Pelly, Washington
J. Arthur Younger, California


Robert Crosser, Ohio
J. Percy Priest, Tennessee
Oren Harris, Arkansas
Dwight L. Rogers, Florida
Arthur G. Klein, New York
William T. Granahan, Pennsylvania
F. Ertel Carlyle, North Carolina
John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Peter F. Mack, Jr., Illinois
Homer Thornberry, Texas
Louis B. Heller, New York
Kenneth A. Roberts, Alabama
Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri
Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia

82nd Congress

First Session: 1/3/1951 - 10/20/1951
Second Session: 1/8/1952 - 7/7/1952

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Robert Crosser, D-Ohio, Chairman


Lindley Beckwoth, Texas
J. Percy Priest, Tennessee
Oren Harris, Arkansas
Dwight L. Rogers, Florida
Arthur G. Klein, New York
Thomas B. Stanley, Virginia
William T. Granahan, Pennsylvania
John A. McGuire, Connecticut
F. Ertel Carlyle, North Carolina
John Bell Williams, Mississippi
Peter F. Mack, Jr., Illinois
Homer Thornberry, Texas
Louis B. Heller, New York
Kenneth A. Roberts, Alabama
Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri
Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia


Charles A. Wolverton, New Jersey
Carl Hinshaw, California
Leonard W. Hall, New York
Joseph P. O'Hara, Minnesota
Robert Hale, Maine
James I. Dolliver, Iowa
John W. Heselton, Massachusetts
Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Pennsylvania
John B. Bennett, Michigan
Richard W. Hoffman, Illinois
J. Edgar Chenoweth, Colorado
John V. Beamer, Indiana
Harmar D. Denny, Jr., Pennsylvania

81st Congress

First Session: 1/3/1949 - 10/19/1949
Second Session: 1/3/1950 - 1/2/1951

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Full Committee Membership

Robert Crosser, D-Ohio, Chairman


Lindley Beckworth, Texas
J. Percy Priest, Tennessee
Oren Harris, Arkansas
George G. Sadowski, Michigan
Dwight L. Rogers, Florida
Eugene J. Keogh, New York
Arthur G. Klein, New York
Thomas B. Stanley, Viginia
John B. Sullivan, Missouri
William T. Granahan, Pennsylvania
Andrew J. Biemiller, Wisconsin
John A. McGuire, Connecticut
George H. Wilson, Oklahoma
Neil J. Linehan, Illinois
Thomas R. Underwood, Kentucky
F. Ertel Carlyle, North Carolina


Charles A. Wolverton, New Jersey
Carl Hinshaw, California
Leonard W. Hall, New York
Joseph P. O'Hara, Minnesota
Wilson D. Gillette, Pennsylvania
Robert Hale, Maine
Harris Ellsworth, Oregon
James I. Dolliver, Iowa
John W. Heselton, Massachusetts
Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Pennsylvania
John B. Bennett, Michigan