Teacher Issues

The single most important factor in determining a child's success in school is the quality of his or her teacher. We ask our teachers to perform miracles every day in our under-funded and over-crowded school system. To produce a highly competitive and innovative workforce tomorrow, we must attract the best qualified teachers to our classrooms today.
Building a Strong, Competitive 21st Century Economy

As we work to rebuild our economy and move our country forward, teachers will play a critical role in preparing our students to compete globally. It’s time to treat teachers like the professionals they are by rewarding them for their talent and hard work and providing them with opportunities for professional development and growth. 

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will help retain and cultivate excellent teachers by saving and creating new jobs and providing teachers with the support they deserve. The legislation will:
The House Education and Labor Committee held a hearing to examine a recent report released by the National Mathematics Advisory Panel on the state of math education and instruction in the United States. Among other things, the report found that the nation’s system for teaching math is “broken and must be fixed” if the U.S. wants to maintain its competitive edge.

"Preparing Teachers for the Classroom: The Role of the Higher Education Act and No Child Left Behind"

Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness Hearing 10:00 AM, May 17, 2007

"ESEA Reauthorization: Boosting Quality in the Teaching Profession"

Full Committee Hearing 9:30 AM, May 11, 2007
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