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Congressman Souder frequently speaks on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of important legislation and issues.  You will find below streaming video of some of his floor speeches. (The segments are available to be viewed with Windows Media Player.) 

  • Shale Oil - (September 10, 2008)
    Congressman Souder explains the importance of a comprehensive energy plan to address the growing needs of Hoosiers. He highlights the importance of alternative energy sources and he applauds those in Northern Indiana who are effectively using alternative energy resources. In addition to conservation, Congressman Souder highlights the need to increase domestic oil production.
  • Manufactured Housing - (June 10, 2008)
    As part of National Homeownership Month, the third week of June is recognized as Manufactured Housing Week. Congressman Souder spoke in support of H.Res. 1010, a House resolution recognizing the importance of manufactured housing in the United States. More than 4,000 people in northeast Indiana are employed by the manufactured housing industry.
  • Coast Guard Should Recognize Narcotics as Part of the Terrorism Mission - (April 23, 2008)
    Congressman Souder urges passage of an amendment he authored to make drug interdiction part of the homeland security mission of the Coast Guard.
  • Higher Education Act - (February 7, 2008)
    Congressman Souder applauds the bipartisian work in the House on two provisions (GEAR UP and Drug-Free Student Loans) in the Higher Education Act reauthorization bill.
  • Student Bill of Rights - (February 7, 2008)
    Congressman Souder speaks out against the Democrat-controlled House Rules Committee for refusing to allow floor consideration of the Academic Bill of Rights amendment that he had offered.
  • The Coast Guard’s Terrorism and Narcotics Prevention Efforts - (January 22, 2008)
    Congressman Souder honors the brave men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard and highlights a 2007 Coast Guard operation that seized over 350,000 pounds of cocaine at sea.
  • Drug Testing and Mine Safety - (January 16, 2008)
    Congressman Souder proposes an amendment to the S-MINER Act (H.R.2768) that would require drug testing of miners to help increase mine safety.
  • Head Start Parent Policy Councils - (November 14, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks in support of parental involvement in Head Start. By empowering parents to take greater roles in the lives of their children and communities, the current system has helped prepare hundreds of thousands of low-income children to enter kindergarten and begin their lives on a path to success.
  • Special Rights for Homosexuals (Part IV) - (November 7, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks in support of religious freedom and in opposition to adding “sexual orientation” to civil rights law.
  • Special Rights for Homosexuals (Part II) - (November 7, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks in support of religious freedom and in opposition to adding “sexual orientation” to civil rights law.
  • Special Rights for Homosexuals (Part I) - (November 7, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks in support of religious freedom and in opposition to adding “sexual orientation” to civil rights law.
  • Special Rights for Homosexuals (Part III) - (November 7, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks in support of religious freedom and in opposition to adding “sexual orientation” to civil rights law.
  • Lance Corporal David K. Fribley Post Office - (October 9, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks on legislation he authored to name the Atwood post office in honor of Lance Corporal David K. Fribley. Fribley was the first Hoosier to fall in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
  • Souder Honors Father Theodore M. Hesburgh - (October 9, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks about his time at The University of Notre Dame while Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh was president. Father Hesburgh is considered one of the most influential figures in higher education in the 20th century, he is now 90 years old.
  • The Situation in Burma & Aung San Suu Kyi - (October 2, 2007)
    Congressman Souder condemns the military dictatorship in Burma and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi.
  • A Government Takeover of the Student Loan Industry - (September 7, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks from personal experience about the challenges and responsibilities of paying for college, and the dangers of the College Cost Reduction Act of 2007.
  • Protecting the Private Ballot in Union-Organizing Elections - (July 18, 2007)
    Congressman Souder offers an amendment that sought to prohibit the use of funds by the National Labor Relations Board from recognizing any union unless it had been elected by workers through a secret ballot.
  • College Cost Reduction Act of 2007 - (July 11, 2007)
    Congressman Souder urges Congress to pass responsible college tutition legislation.
  • Preserving Our Great Parks - (June 26, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks about the importance of the National Parks.
  • Opposing Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Groups - (June 21, 2007)
    Congressman Souder speaks against allocating family planning funds to organizations which advocate or perform abortions.
  • Addressing Illegal Immigration & Border Security - (June 12, 2007)
    Congressman Souder discusses the importance of securing our border.
  • The Afghanistan Freedom and Security Support Act - (June 6, 2007)
    Congressman Souder explained the importance of the U.S. military supporting anti-narcotics efforts in Afghanistan.
  • Head Start Reauthorization Act - (May 2, 2007)
    Congressman Souder described the uniqueness of the Head Start program and his opposition to several of the amendments to the Act.
  • The Worker Intimidation Act (Part I) - (March 1, 2007)
    Congressman Souder spoke in opposition to H.R. 800, legislation that would strip away a worker's right to use a private ballot in a federally-supervised, union-organizing election.
  • The Worker Intimidation Act (Part II) - (March 1, 2007)
    In a second address on the floor of the House, Congressman Souder reiterated his opposition to H.R. 800, legislation that would strip away a worker's right to use a private ballot in a federally-supervised, union-organizing election.
  • Iraq War Resolution - (February 14, 2007)
    Congressman Souder explained his views regarding H.Con.Res. 63, the Iraq troop "surge" resolution.
  • National Park Service Budget - (February 8, 2007)
    Congressman Souder spoke regarding the funding for National Parks in President Bush's fiscal year 2008 budget proposal and, specifically, about the President's Centennial Initiative to raise $3 billion over 10 years for national parks.
  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research - (January 11, 2007)
    Congressman Souder discussed H.R. 3, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.