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How Max Is Serving Montana

Senator Baucus currently serves as Chairman of the influential U.S. Senate Finance Committee. Max has used this influential post to help cut taxes, protect Social Security and Medicare, expand health care programs, and open foreign markets to Montana’s high quality products.

  • Chairman, Subcommittee on International Trade
  • Subcommittee on Long-Term Growth and Debt Reduction
  • Subcommittee on Taxation and Oversight

Max is also a senior member of the Joint Committee on Taxation, where he works together to craft legislation that helps businesses grow and prosper in Montana.

In addition to his role on the Finance Committee, Max is a senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee – the panel that writes the federal highway program. As the most senior member of the EPW Committee, Max has helped secure more than $1 billion for Montana’s highways since 1998. Those dollars provide for safe and efficient commerce in Montana, and they create thousands of good-paying jobs on Main Streets across the state.

  • Subcommittee on Transportation, Infrastructure, and Nuclear Safety
  • Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water
  • Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxins, Risk, and Waste Management

Max is also a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, where he works to boost Montana’s number one industry. As a senior member of the Agriculture Committee, Max helped write the 2002 farm bill, pass mandatory country-of-origin labeling, and provide disaster assistance to producers suffering from drought.

  • Subcommittee on Production and Price Competitiveness
  • Chairman of Subcommittee on Marketing, Inspection, and Product Promotion
  • Subcommittee on Forestry, Conservation, and Rural Revitalization