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Rep. Diana DeGette

Chief Deputy Whip
Rep. Diana DeGette
DeGette is a fourth generation Coloradoan, educated at Denver's South High School and Colorado College. Read More...

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The Daily WhipLine

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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House Meets At…

Votes Predicted At…

12:30 p.m. For Morning Hour
2:00 p.m. For Legislative Business
Unlimited “One-minutes” Per Side

Last Vote: 7:00 p.m.

Any anticipated Member absences for votes this week should be reported to the Office of the Majority Whip at 226-3210.

Floor Schedule and Procedure

  • Suspension Bills: Today, the House will consider several bills on the Suspension calendar.  Bills considered on the Suspension calendar are debatable for 40 minutes; may not be amended; and require a two-thirds vote for passage.  If a recorded vote is requested, it will be postponed.

    1. H.Res. 41 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Mentoring Month 2009 (Rep. Davis (CA) – Education and Labor)

    2. H.Res. __ - Honoring the life of Claiborne Pell, distinguished former Senator from the State of Rhode Island (Rep. George Miller (CA) – Education and Labor)

    3. H.Res. 43 - Recognizing the efforts of those who serve their communities on Martin Luther King Day and promoting the holiday as a day of national service (Rep. Platts – Education and Labor)

    4. H.Res. 15 - Authorizing and directing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire whether the House should impeach G. Thomas Porteous, a judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana (Rep. Conyers – Rules) 

Quote of the Day

“Freedom lies in being bold.” - Robert Frost