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@LeBomba I travel. I'm in little tin cans with hordes people and their stuff and needs and pathogens. It's sorta like teaching kids.
still has flu. Cough. Aches. It goes away (except the cough) one day and is back the next kickin my poor you-know-what.
wow. dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing with little chips of dark chocolate shavings all through. sugar crash now ensues.
@evirtus "May you live to see another 27 versions of IE" - I truly am not sure if that is a blessing, or a curse!
@ryanbarr HA! Gold star for you. HTML5 jokes make me giggle for hours.
@rainypixels alas my friend, you are not the first to have done that to me. Andrew Krespanis claims that title :)
@gsnedders That's not laziness, by dear möbius. You're just trapped in the eternal loop.
@gsnedders okay little genius child. YOU build the protocol. I don't care how, just make it possible to send tea and cake, etc. Yes You Can!
@rainypixels in that case you should mix some <blink> in with the death star <marquee> - step back immediately, however, it might just blow!
@rainypixels hey, didn't you work (work now?) for MSFT? That should be <marquee>Happy B'day!</marquee> to you! ;)
@tasselflower CICO - it's a new acronym for cake in, cake out - this way there's always cake!
@cazm ROFL! I think Twitter is already a bit sticky, no?
:: Virtual birthday cake, initiate, send :: The coolest thing about Cake/IP is that you can opt in to your fave cake no matter what is sent.
@ClaireLeah We must invent Cake/IP! How can we have birfdays with no way to distribute cake?
:: bring :: Hi Mom? You asked how many for mah birfday cake. Is somewhere around 6500 okay?
it's mah birfday.
peeks head up out of cave and looks around. Is the world different yet?
@iamshimone yeah but when you're that gorgeous style comes to you.
@GoldChoiceUK I don't know that I feel better, just that I don't feel.
@gemmegirl I didn't know that. I'm only a late-blooming alcoholic. Never drank much more than Manischevitz prior to 38 years old. Seriously!


Biz Stone Dunstan Tom veen Lori Scott Fegette Mack D. Male Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Arun Ranganathan Jason Calacanis George Kelly lane becker Glenda Pellefjant Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Kingsley Joseph Sooz Stephane Deschamps Lisa McMillan Cal Henderson Steve Ganz David Orchard Alex Hillman l.m. orchard craig zheng Mike Rundle Lachlan Hardy Keith Kitta Michael Newby Elliott Pesut
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