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Floor Updates for Friday, January 9, 2009

Floor -- Senate Opening

Friday, January 9, 2009 at 10:00 AM

Senate Opening


The Senate is Convened.


Floor -- Coburn

Friday, January 9, 2009 at 01:20 PM

Morning Business


Senator Coburn: (12:20 PM)


·         Spoke on S. 22, The Public Lands Bill.


o    SUMMARY "The vast majority of the bills in this megabill are not a priority for this country. They're not a priority whatsoever right now, considering the condition that we find our self in. So, as we contemplate this bill, what I believe it demonstrates is, we're more interested in looking good at home than fixing the real problems that are facing the country."


o    SUMMARY "How about spending a quarter of a million dollars to go down to the Virgin Islands to study whether or not Alexander Hamilton's old home down there ought to be made a park? Is that a priority right now? What would a quarter of a million dollars do to somebody that's unemployed right now? How many mortgages would it get them out from behind? How many people would not default on a mortgage if we could leverage that $250,000 to them? Instead, we're going to spend it on a study."




Floor -- Inhofe, Akaka

Friday, January 9, 2009 at 02:09 PM

Morning Business


Senator Inhofe: (1:28 PM)


·         Spoke on environmental policy and global warming.


o    SUMMARY "Everybody is talking about global warming. We're in a cooling spell now. It's been that way since the turn of the century and it's well-documented. Nobody argues that. So I'm sure that upset a lot of people who were the promoters of this, because it's kind of hard to be talking about some very expensive scheme to fight global warming when we're going through global cooling."


·         Spoke on the use of the second portion of the TARP funds.


o    SUMMARY "Let's keep in mind, that was to give an unelected bureaucrat the power to do with the first half of the $700 billion anything that he wanted to do. In fact, Secretary Paulson said at one time, "I promise this is going to be used to buy damaged assets." Well, we found that obviously three or four minutes after he received the money, it didn't go to that. I heard an economist just this past Wednesday give a presentation that if we had used that for the intended purpose, it might have had an effect, and they contend that this didn't have any effect at all on what has happened."


·         Spoke on the Economic Stimulus Package.


o    SUMMARY "We've heard figures batted around about $1.2 trillion, huge amounts of money. But the report I got from the President-Elect's team, they talked about of the $1.2 trillion, only $25 billion total investment would be on infrastructure. That's nothing...if we're going to spend money for a stimulus bill, let's spend money on something that will actually come up with some jobs."


Senator Akaka: (1:45 PM)


·         Spoke on the 50th anniversary of Senator Byrd's service in the Senate.


o    SUMMARY "I rise here today to pay tribute to this great human being, this great man, great Senator who has served for those many years here and for our country. His contributions are well documented, his influence legendary, and his grasp of history and knowledge about our democracy and its institutions without equal. It is my good honor to serve alongside the distinguished Senator Byrd."


Floor -- The Senate Stands in Recess

Friday, January 9, 2009 at 02:51 PM

Morning Business


Senator Sessions: (1:49 PM)


·         Spoke in support of Senator Coburn's actions to offer amendments to S. 22, The Public Lands Bill.


o    SUMMARY "I have been very concerned that Senator Coburn, of Oklahoma, who has desired to offer just even one or two amendments to legislation that is pending in the Senate before it becomes automatically passed to become law, has systematically been denied that right, and has been held up as someone who does not respect the body and is doing something wrong. I think that is a very bad analysis of the principle stands he takes. I think he is one of the finest members of this Senate. He has the odd belief that a Senator should actually read the legislation and if it can be approved and should be improved, as Senator he has an obligation to offer an amendment to fix that."


o    SUMMARY "There's no reason for us to be having to vote on Sunday except the Majority Leader has insisted on it and tried to blame Senator Coburn for that. And if we're going to stay in session until Sunday, why aren't we voting? Why don't we have some votes? What are they afraid of to have a vote? I'm serious. What can be so fearful about casting votes? Isn't that what we were sent here to do?"


Senator Bingaman: (2:05 PM)


·         Spoke in support of S. 22, The Public Lands Bill.


o    SUMMARY "Collectively, the legislation that's before us is one of the most sweeping conservation laws that have been considered by the Senate in recent years. It will designate over 2 million acres of wilderness in nine different states. It will establish three new units of the National Park System, a new national monument and three new national conservation areas. It will codify the "Save America's Treasures" and preserve America's historic preservation programs. In addition, it will designate over 1,000 miles of new additions to the National Wild and Scenic River System, including several hundred miles in Wyoming that are dedicated to our late friend and colleague, Craig Thomas, and will help protect 1 million acres of the Wyoming Range."


Senator Barrasso: (2:12 PM)


·         Spoke in favor of the Wyoming Range Withdrawal Act (Within S. 22, The Public Lands Bill).


o    SUMMARY "There are 18 oil and gas leases within the proposed withdrawal area. These leases cover over 70,000 acres. These leases are primarily located in areas that have some of the most significant potential for mineral development. They represent valid existing rights and they will not be canceled in any way by this bill. I repeat, these leases represent valid existing property rights and will not be canceled by this bill."


o    SUMMARY "Mr. President, the Wyoming Range Withdrawal Act strikes the proper balance. I've come to the Senate Floor today to put this bill into context with what is occurring on the ground in Wyoming as well as what is occurring under the ground. My goal, Mr. President, is to provide an accurate and a complete picture for the Senate and, much more importantly, Mr. President, for the American people."


Senator Reid: (2:44 PM)


·         Senators are reminded that the vote to proceed to S. 22, The Public Lands Bill, is scheduled for Sunday at 2:00 PM.


The Senate stands in recess until Sunday at 1:00 PM.


Quotes that appear in "Floor Updates" are taken from the Senate TV Close Captioning System and are not official record. For the official transcript, please visit the Congressional Record. Records are typically updated by 11 am the following day.

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02:12 PM
Floor -- Reid
08:05 PM
Floor -- Coburn
01:20 PM
Floor -- Coburn

12:10 PM
Floor -- Cardin
05:17 PM
Floor -- Inhofe
01:11 PM
Floor -- Dorgan



12:14 PM
Floor -- Reid
09:46 AM
Floor -- Reid



02:21 PM
Floor -- Reid
05:05 PM
Floor -- Reid