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Press Releases

For Immediate Release:
June 11, 2007 
Contact: Austin Durrer

Financial Services Bill Includes Pay Parity for Civil Servants

“Green” Federal Buildings & Digitized OPM Retirement Records Also

Washington, D.C., June 11th – Congressman Jim Moran, Virginia Democrat, announced today that the House Appropriations Committee has passed its FY’08 Financial Services Appropriations bill which contains pay parity (3.5%) for federal employees, requires the GSA to identify all impediments to making federal buildings environmentally friendly and provides $26.4 million for OPM to digitize its retirement records.

On 3.5 % Pay Parity:

"Federal employees work along side our military in operations around the world,” said Moran. “Our battle against terrorism would be crippled without their support. Last month, the Armed Services Committee raised military pay by half a percent. By including an identical raise for civil servants in today’s bill, the House Appropriations Committee is keeping in-line with a decade of Congressional support for pay parity which the President included in this year’s budget.”

Regarding “Greening” of Federal Buildings:

“Combating global warming requires a comprehensive response, one that the federal government is in a prime position to facilitate. The President has issued an Executive Order calling for all new federal buildings to be built to environmentally friendly standards. Unfortunately, statutory law contains a number of legislative hurdles making this action difficult if not impossible. Language in this bill requires the GSA to identify all existing laws, rules and regulations that limit, restrict or would otherwise impede progress on building green, environmentally friendly federal facilities so that they can be reformed.”

Announcing $26.4 Million for Digitized Retirement Records:

“When a federal employee retires, his or her records are processed by OPM the old-fashioned way -- by hand and without the use of computers. This antiquated, paper-based system is costing our retired federal employees. Many are not receiving their full annuity at retirement due to processing delays. At the urging of our regional delegation, OPM undertook a major effort to digitize their retirement documents two years ago. To finish the project, however, they need more support. The $26.4 million included in this bill at my request will go towards helping OPM stay on track to finish this project by February 2008.”

The House Appropriations Committee approved the FY’08 Financial Services Appropriations bill on a voice vote. It will likely be considered on the House floor next week.

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