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Press Releases

For Immediate Release:
October 18, 2007
Contact: Austin Durrer

Moran Statement on Children’s Healthcare Veto Override Vote


Washington, D.C., October 18th – Congressman Jim Moran, issued the following statement regarding the House vote to override the President’s veto of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The vote failed to reach the 2/3rds majority required to override a Presidential veto, 273-156.

“President Bush and a majority of House Republicans are blocking low income children from receiving the medical care needed to live happy, healthy and productive lives.

“Ignoring the support of 81 percent of Americans, 67 Senators, 43 Governors and more than 270 organizations, including the AARP, American Medical Association, America’s Health Insurance Plans, PhRMA, Catholic Health Association, and Families USA, their misplaced priorities have been laid bare for all to see.

“Instead of providing access to affordable health care, the President and most House Republicans would rather spend another $200 billion on the misguided mission in Iraq.  For a fraction of that cost, 10 million uninsured children would have access to preventive care, i.e. regular doctor’s visits that greatly diminish the need for costly, crisis trips to the emergency room.

“Today’s vote eliminates any doubt where the President and members of his party stand when it comes to ensuring our next generation is given an opportunity to succeed. They’ve never met a tax cut for the wealthiest in our county they didn’t like, nor a war they wouldn’t fund. But when it comes to the needs of one of the most vulnerable segments of our population – our children – their wallets, and their hearts, are missing.”


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