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Press Releases

For Immediate Release:
September 25, 2007
Contact: Austin Durrer

Congress Passes Low-Income Children’s Health Insurance Program

SCHIP Bill Will Cover 74,200 Additional Children in the Commonwealth

Washington, D.C., September 25th – This evening, Congress passed a reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), legislation giving 10 million low-income children health care coverage.  In Virginia alone, the bill will provide 211,200 children with health insurance, an increase of 74,200 since the program was last authorized.

“46 million Americans are without health insurance,” said Moran. “For our most vulnerable population – our children – a lack of preventive medical care can hinder development, putting them at a disadvantage before their lives have even started.  This SCHIP reauthorization is about caring for our future generations, providing them with the basic care needed to stay healthy and get a good start on life, regardless of their family’s financial situation.”

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was created in 1997 to provide health care coverage for children in families who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private insurance.  Over the last ten years, SCHIP has proven to be a popular, successful program – with 6.6 million children now enrolled in the program. 

“For less than $3.50 a day, SCHIP can insure a child.  With that small amount, we can provide kids with preventive care that saves taxpayers from having to pick up the tab for indigent care emergency room visits – the most expensive way to meet a child’s healthcare needs.”

“President Bush has threatened to veto this bipartisan bill.  Attempting to deny health insurance to low income children will be a part of his legacy should he follow through with this threat. Congress will not stand idly if that occurs, we will fight to garner the votes needed to override such a heartless action.” 

The SCHIP bill has a broad range of bipartisan support. 270 organizations have endorsed it. These groups represent millions of Americans – ranging from the American Medical Association and America’s Health Insurance Plans to Families USA, the preeminent health care consumer advocacy group.


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