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Press Releases

For Immediate Release:
December 10, 2007
Contact: Austin Durrer

Moran Releases Names of over 1,400 Local Taxpayers by the IRS

Citizens Urged to Visit Website to Find out if Owed Money

Washington, D.C., December 10th – Representative Jim Moran, Virginia Democrat, released the names of the 1,400 Washington Metropolitan Region taxpayers who are owed over $1.2 million in tax refunds by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The average unclaimed refund was over $900.

“There is over $1.2 million at the IRS just waiting to be handed out to Washington Metro area taxpayers,” said Moran.  “I encourage all residents to visit my website at www.moran.house.gov to see if their refund is waiting to be collected.”

Nationwide, there are 115,478 taxpayers who have unclaimed tax refund checks worth about $110 million. Usually, a tax refund is deemed undeliverable when the IRS or U.S. Postal Service does not have the taxpayer’s current address on file. 

Taxpayers can receive their money as soon as they update their address with the IRS.   Washington Metro taxpayers can receive their money by:

• Visiting Congressman Moran’s website at www.moran.house.gov to see if a) their name is on the list of taxpayers owed money, and b) to find out how to claim their money.

If their name is on the list, the taxpayer should then go to the IRS.gov website to access the tool “Where’s My Refund?” There they can check the status of their refund and instructions on how to resolve delivery problems will be provided.  To access the telephone version of “Where’s My Refund?” taxpayers can call 1-800-829-1954.

Statistics:                           # Refunds        Total Amount        Average Amount

D.C. Metro Region:               1,400              $1,200,000                    $900
Statewide Virginia:                2,400             $1,980,000                     $820
Statewide Maryland:             1,701              $1,380,000                    $810
District of Columbia:             298                 $286,000                       $960
Nationwide:                            115,478         $110,000,000                $950


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