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Press Releases

For Immediate Release:
November 7, 2007
Contact: Austin Durrer

Moran Statement on Employment Non-Discrimination Act


Washington, D.C., November 7th – Congressman Jim Moran, Virginia Democrat, delivered the following statement during floor debate on H.R. 3685, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, legislation preventing discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation.

“I rise today in support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. This legislation will expand to all citizens, a right many of us take for granted: the ability to be judged in the workplace on the basis of our qualifications and job performance rather than something as totally unrelated as a person’s sexual orientation.

“Currently, federal law provides basic legal protection against employment discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin or disability. 

“ENDA would merely expand these protections to include a person’s sexual orientation.

“Employees in the U.S. should have the right to be evaluated on the basis of their ability to carry out the tasks assigned them, not based on a sexual preference they have no more control over than the color of their skin.

“Many U.S. businesses and over 20 states have already recognized this fundamental principle.  Still, a 2007 study found that 16% of gays and lesbians reported being fired or denied a job because of sexual orientation.  Now is the time to ensure the core American values of equality and fairness under the law are respected nationwide.

“As an original cosponsor of the ENDA bill, which included protections against discrimination based upon gender identity, I am in favor of the amendment being offered today by Rep. Baldwin.

“But, I also recognize that the struggle for civil rights is just that, a struggle.  It will not be won in one day or with one vote, but rather over time, with many days, many votes, many victories and also many losses.

“The bill before us today represents a historic milestone in the struggle for equality.  It is a powerful sign of enlightenment, of progressive change in America.

“I urge each member to search their conscience on this vote. Discrimination is unacceptable in any form. I ask that the House send a strong vote in favor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.”


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