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Capitol Comment
by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

Congress Must Act On Major Issues
September 7, 2007

This week I returned to Washington from a busy August recess. Although I greatly enjoyed spending time with my fellow Texans over the last month, much remains to be done before the close of the 2007 Congressional session. This is a crucial time in American history, and major issues affecting our national and economic security demand action. Despite a challenging environment in the U.S. Senate, I am resolved to support legislation that is right for Texas and the nation.

Our most important responsibility is protecting Americans. The brave men and women of our armed forces are engaged in a Global War on Terror. The current conflict in the Middle East has not been without its challenges, but the stakes could not be higher. We confront the terrorists overseas so that we will not have to face them at home. Failure to support our troops and sustain our commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan would embolden our enemies. For this reason, Congress must pass legislation to give our troops the resources they need to complete their mission.

Despite recent troubles in the housing sector, our economy continues to grow. More than 8.2 million new jobs have been created over the last four years—more than all major industrialized nations combined—and the federal budget deficit has been slashed almost in half. These successes are largely the product of the historic tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 that allowed Americans to save and invest more of their hard earned money. But, instead of making these beneficial cuts permanent, and repealing harmful measures like the death tax, the new Congress has attempted to raise taxes, which I believe would damper economic growth.

Economic security also depends on reliable energy prices. This summer’s high gas prices were a painful reminder of our dependence on foreign oil. But rather than increasing our woefully inadequate refinery capacity or expanding domestic energy production, earlier this year the House and Senate passed bills that do nothing to ease high gas prices or increase our energy supply. As these bills are reconciled, Congress must take meaningful steps toward energy independence.

Several key federal programs are set to expire this year, and Congress must act to renew them. Agriculture and education, for example, are national priorities that demand action before the close of this session.

The farm bill passed in 2002 has been very beneficial for Texas producers—commodity prices have appreciated, exports have surged and the farmers’ debt-to-asset ratio recently hit its lowest point in recorded history. Some of the measures behind this success will expire at the end of September, but I am working to preserve the positive aspects of the 2002 bill in new legislation before this deadline.

The No Child Left Behind Act is also up for reauthorization. This landmark bill has created new educational opportunities for millions of children. Provisions of the Act hold educators accountable to provide solids results for our children, and the non-partisan Center for Education Policy reports that test scores are up in many states. The legislation has its critics, but I will work with my colleagues to improve it and ensure that its benefits do not expire.

Congress will have a full agenda for the remaining months of 2007, and I am committed to working on your behalf in the U.S. Senate.

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