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The Inauguration of President Obama

   Date: 01/20/2009

The Inauguration of President Obama

WASHINGTON, January 20 – Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) attended the inauguration of President Barack Obama before a sea of more than one million cheering people packed on the National Mall from the Capitol to the Washington Monument and beyond. 

“Today clearly was an historic day.  From where I sat on the inaugural platform, the mass of people stretched further than the eye could see.  The hope I saw in the eyes of people was very exciting,” Sanders said.

“With the first African-American being sworn in as president, America has come a very long way since Vermont became the first state to outlaw slavery.  Today was an affirmation of the promise and potential of our country, for if the son of a Kenyan father and Kansan mother could become President, what can’t our nation accomplish? What crises can’t we solve?” he asked.       

“I think the essence of President Obama’s very fine inaugural speech was that we’re in this together.  He was very clear in stating that our country faces extremely serious problems with our economy, with health care, with the two wars we’re currently engaged in, with global warming, education and in many other areas. 

“He was also very clear that while government must play a bold and very important role in resolving these crises, the solution will come not from government alone but from a new spirit and public sense of responsibility within the hearts of the American people,” Sanders concluded.  

To read Sen. Sanders' recent op-ed on about the inauguration, click here.


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