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National High School
Debate Topic

2004-2005: United Nations

  • Resolved: That the United States federal government should establish a foreign policy sub-stantially increasing its support of United Nations peacekeeping operations.

2003-2004: Ocean Policy

  • RESOLVED: That the United States federal government should establish an ocean policy substantially increasing protection of marine natural resources.

2002-2003: Mental Health Care

  • RESOLVED: That the United States federal government should substantially increase public health services for mental health care in the United States.

2001-2002: Weapons of Mass Destruction

  • RESOLVED: That the United States federal government should establish a foreign policy significantly limiting the use of weapons of mass destruction.

2000-2001: Right of Privacy

  • RESOLVED: That the United States federal government should significantly increase protection of privacy in the United States in one or more of the following areas: employment, medical records, consumer information, search and seizure.

1999-2000: Education

  • RESOLVED: That the Federal Government should establish an education policy to significantly increase academic achievement in secondary schools in the United States.

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.

Last updated: January 20, 2004
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