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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Energy and Commerce Committee Announces Hearing on Salmonella Outbreak
Thursday, January 29 2009

Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and Rep. Bart Stupak, Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, announced plans to hold a hearing on February 11, 2009, to examine the recent salmonella outbreak associated with peanut butter manufactured by the Peanut Corporation of America. The company recently recalled peanut butter products that have been linked to more than 500 illnesses and may have contributed to eight deaths.

House Expands Access to Affordable Health Insurance for Unemployed
Wednesday, January 28 2009

As part of legislation to rescue the American economy, the U.S. House of Representatives today approved measures to expand access to affordable health care coverage for workers who lose their jobs as a result of the recession.  The Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation estimate that the package would help 8.2 million people keep health care coverage for themselves and their families.

Chairman Waxman’s Statement on House Digital Television Transition Vote
Wednesday, January 28 2009

Chairman Henry A. Waxman released the following statement following today’s House vote on legislation to delay the nation’s digital TV transition.

Chairman Waxman's Statement on Senate Passage of DTV Legislation
Monday, January 26 2009
Chairman Henry A. Waxman released the following statement on the passage of legislation in the Senate to delay the nation's digital TV transition from February 17 to June 12.
"I am pleased that the Senate has acted to delay the deadline, which is our only hope of mitigating the negative impact on millions of consumers.   In light of the Senate action, I will work with the House Democratic Leadership to bring up the Senate bill for consideration Tuesday."
Chairman Waxman Commends President Obama’s Action on California Waiver
Monday, January 26 2009

Chairman Henry A. Waxman issued the following statement after President Barack Obama announced he will direct federal regulators to move quickly to reconsider California’s application for a waiver to enforce its greenhouse gas emission standards for cars and trucks.

"This is a tremendous and long overdue step for energy independence and the environment. President Obama is taking the nation in a decisive new direction that will receive broad support across the country."
Chairman Waxman Praises Repeal of Global Gag Rule
Friday, January 23 2009

Chairman Henry A. Waxman issued the following statement after President Barack Obama issued an executive order repealing the global gag rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy, which restricted U.S. funding to organizations that provide basic health care and family planning services to the poorest families in the world.

"I am pleased that President Obama has taken this bold step. Repealing this rule will allow women in developing countries to have better access to family planning and reproductive health services. I commend him for taking swift action on this important issue."
Energy and Commerce Passes Economic Recovery Legislation
Thursday, January 22 2009
The House Committee on Energy and Commerce today approved an economic recovery package that will invest in clean energy technology, advance broadband internet access, increase health care coverage to Americans, and provide critical assistance to states.
DTV Markup Postponed
Wednesday, January 21 2009
The markup session on "H.R.__, The Digital Television Transition Extension Act of 2009" has been postponed. Chairman Henry A. Waxman's statement is below.
Committee on Energy and Commerce Business Meeting - Digital Television Transition
Friday, January 16 2009

On Wednesday, January 21st, at 1:30 the Committee will hold a business meeting to mark up H.R. __ the Digital Television Transition Extension Act of 2009.  This legislation will help mitigate anticipated challenges for consumers posed by the digital television (“DTV”) transition.  The bill would postpone the DTV transition until June 12, 2009, so that efforts to prepare and educate consumers can be substantially enhanced by the incoming administration.  
- Discussion Draft

Chairmen Waxman and Stupak Seek Records on Peanut Butter Recall
Thursday, January 15 2009

Chairman Waxman and Chairman Stupak wrote to the Peanut Corporation of America to seek information and records relating to the company's recent recall of peanut butter linked to the recent nationwide outbreak of Salmonella that has reportedly caused 434 illnesses and five deaths.
Read the Letter

House and Senate Leaders Urge Action on Consumer Product Safety Concerns
Thursday, January 15 2009

Chairmen Henry A. Waxman and Bobby L. Rush, together with Senator John D. Rockefeller, incoming chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, and Senator Mark L. Pryor, sent a letter to the Consumer Product Safety Commission expressing concerns about implementation of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008.  The letter highlighted four issues of particular concern and urged the Commission to take swift action to address critical issues of implementation.
Read the Letter

House Passes Legislation To Expand Health Care Coverage to Millions of Children
Wednesday, January 14 2009
By a vote of 289 to 139, the House passed H.R. 2, the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIRPA). This legislation will protect coverage for those children and expand it to include an additional 4 million children who would otherwise be uninsured.
House Democrats Introduce Legislation To Expand Health Care Coverage to Millions of Children
Tuesday, January 13 2009

House Democratic leaders introduced legislation to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides health insurance currently for more than 7 million children.  This legislation will protect coverage for those children and expand it to include an additional 4 million children who would otherwise be uninsured.

Committee to Hold Hearing on "The U.S. Climate Action Partnership"
Tuesday, January 13 2009

The Committee on Energy and Commerce will hold a hearing titled, “The U.S. Climate Action Partnership” on Thursday, January 15, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing will present the perspectives of members of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (“USCAP”), a coalition of over 30 businesses and nongovernmental organizations that has called for Congress to pass legislation to address the climate change threat.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Announces Subcommittee Chairs and Membership
Thursday, January 08 2009
WASHINGTON, DC - Today the Democratic Caucus of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce made subcommittee selections for the 111th Congress.

Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2927