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Congress on Your Corner

My most important duty is to stay in close contact with the residents of the Fifth District whom I have the distinct privilege of representing.  I want to make it as easy as possible for people to come see me and share their concerns, ideas, and needs, and that is why I have launched my Congress on Your Corner program.

On Saturdays I hold Congress on Your Corner in communities throughout the Merrimack Valley and in the towns in the southern and western portions of the Fifth District at weekend hot spots such as grocery stores, shopping centers and libraries or post offices.  During these sessions I meet with residents to talk about any issue on their minds whether it is legislation being considered by Congress or local happenings in their communities.  I also have my congressional staff with me during these events, who are ready to help should you require any assistance with a federal agency.

This is one of the many ways we are able to make ourselves available and I look forward to meeting as many people as possible in the coming weeks and months.

Congress on Your Corner with Congresswoman Niki Tsongas 
For Maynard, Concord, and Stow residents:
Saturday, January 26th
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Roasted Peppers Café
65 Main Street
Maynard, MA