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Senate Votes to Ban Federal Funding for NOAA Conferences

April 25, 2007

The Senate approved an amendment this evening by a vote of 82 to 14 to prohibit the use of National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) funds for conferences and banquets. The amendment was opposed by the Chairman, Senator Daniel Inouye, and Ranking Member, Ted Stevens, of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee which has jurisdiction over NOAA. Majority Leader Harry Reid voted against the amendment but then switched his vote in favor of the amendment when it was obvious that it would pass.

Coburn Amendment 922 to the America COMPETES Act (S. 761) adds accountability and transparency to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration grants. Read more about the amendment by clicking here.

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April 2007 News

Senator Tom Coburn

Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

340 Dirksen Senate Office Building     Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-2254     Fax: 202-228-3796

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