Issue Statements - Judicial Nominations

Judicial Nominations

Confirm fair judges through a fair process

Republicans will confirm judges who will follow the law - not make the law - by ensuring timely up-or-down votes for all nominees on the Senate floor.


Samuel A. Alito Jr., nominee to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court received American Bar Association's highest rating. View statement here


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  • 01.28.09

    Senator John Cornyn at Senate Judiciary Committee

    Senator(s): John Cornyn

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  • 06.10.08

    Senator Kit Bond on Confirmation of Missouri Judges Kays and Limbaugh

    Senator(s): Christopher Bond

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  • 05.06.08

    Senator Arlen Specter Floor Speech on Judicial Nominations

    Senator(s): Arlen Specter

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District Court Nominees
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  • 06.10.08

    Bond-Confirmation of Missouri Judges Kays and Limbaugh

    Senator(s): Christopher Bond

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  • 06.05.08

    Cornyn News Conference

    Senator(s): John Cornyn

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  • 06.05.08

    Cornyn News Conference Intro

    Senator(s): John Cornyn

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