Military Fellow Joins Scalise Staff in DC

Lt Col(s) Neil Richardson, USAF to bring on-site experience to first Congressional District

Friday, January 23, 2009

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise today announced a new addition to his staff in Washington, D.C. Major Neil Richardson, United States Air Force, who was recently selected to Lt Col will join Congressman Steve Scalise’s staff for 2009 as part of the Air Force Legislative Fellowship program. Lt Col (s) Richardson will be working on defense, security and veterans’ issues for Congressman Scalise.

Lt Col (s) Richardson brings a wealth of experience from the Air Force as a Mobility Navigator and prior Chief of Information Operations and Aerospace Integration Branch at Headquarters Air Mobility Command. The branch is responsible for integrating new technology into aircrafts and command operations including signature management (Operations Security & Military Deception), network defense, electronic warfare, public diplomacy and information protection.

“I am very excited to have Lt Col (s) Richardson join our staff. He brings a high level of expertise and capability to the first Congressional District,” Scalise said. “Lt Col (s) Richardson will be an asset to our staff and Louisiana on utilizing technology as well as a number of defense related issues. This fellowship program is an excellent opportunity for legislative offices to work with our armed services to better serve the people of our nation.”

“It is an honor and privilege to serve this great country as a member of the uniformed services and on Congressman Scalise’s staff,” Lt Col (s) Richardson said. “The fellowship is an excellent opportunity to partner with the Legislative branch while providing the Air Force with knowledge of the legislative process and a wide range of issues, in exchange for providing Congress with on-site experience and defense expertise at the staff level. I look forward to helping Congressman Scalise make a difference for the people of Louisiana and the United States.”

The Air Force Legislative Fellowship program provides participants with an enhanced perspective of the legislative process while providing Congress with on-site experience and expertise to Congressional staffs.


Contact: Luke Bolar

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