Crime and Drugs

Southeast Louisiana saw a large increase in crime following Hurricane Katrina. Congressman Scalise believes that society must have zero tolerance for criminal behavior and drug use.

Congressman Steve Scalise is committed to reducing crime with solutions in Congress. Scalise recently helped introduce legislation (The Prevention and Deterrence of Crime Against Children Act, HR 6167) that would strengthen penalties for child pornography offenses, child sex trafficking offenses, and other sexual offenses committed against children.

Scalise has also cosponsored legislation that protects citizens’ Second Amendment rights to protect themselves from violent criminals. The bills Scalise has cosponsored are the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2007, H.R. 4900 and the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act, H.R. 1399 which would allow residents in the District of Columbia the right to carry arms. On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of protecting our Second Amendment rights and struck down the unconstitutional ban on handguns in Washington, DC.

Related Press Releases

Scalise Announces $28,240 to St. Tammany and Jefferson Parishes

Scalise: $100,000 for Hammond Organization to Combat Youth Drug Abuse

Scalise, Vitter Announce $757,000 Grant to Louisiana for Victims of Crime

Scalise: $350,000 for Louisiana to Enforce Underage Drinking Laws

Scalise Says Stronger Penalties for Child Sex Criminals are Needed

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