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2nd Congressional District


Hawaii, the 50th state, lies in the center of the Pacific Ocean between Asia and the continental United States. Its geography, history, and people make the state an ideal link between the East and West.


Official District Map

Congressional Map of the 2nd District

Click on the image above to view a larger version or click here.


The 2nd Congressional District of Hawaii includes the north and west sections of the island of Oahu, and the islands of Hawaii (also called the Big Island), Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, and Kahoolawe. The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, also part of the district, became the largest marine protected area in the world when the islands were proclaimed a Marine National Monument in 2006.




The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands 

Map of 2nd District of Hawaii--click on image to view larger version


Click on the image above to view a larger version or click here.


Our Islands

Hawaii’s islands stretch across 10,932 square miles, with a land mass of 6,423 square miles.  The beauty of the state—its mountains, oceans, and beaches; perfect tropical weather cooled by tradewinds; and its unique host culture have lured millions of visitors from all over the world. Isolated by miles of ocean on all sides, many indigenous plants and animals exist only in Hawaii. There are more endangered species per square mile on these islands than any other place on the planet.

Our People

Hawaii is home for close to 1.3 million people, with approximately half living in the 2nd Congressional District. 
Native Hawaiians, who sailed to the islands from Tahiti between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD, are the indigenous people of Hawaii. The Hawaiian archipelago became known to the western world when British Captain James Cook and his crew first sighted the islands in 1778. American and European whalers, merchants, and missionaries arrived. With the growth of the sugar industry, laborers for the cane fields were imported from Portugal, Puerto Rico, China, Japan and Okinawa, Korea, and the Philippines. Many of them stayed, creating the multicultural society of today’s Hawaii.

Visiting Our District

Aloha! Along with the flower lei, 'Aloha' is Hawaii’s greeting to the world. It means welcome, best wishes, hello, and goodbye. Our 2nd Congressional District holds the most beautiful beaches, the spectacular Haleakala and Volcanoes National Parks, challenging and scenic golf courses, and internationally renown resort destinations.


Visit one of our islands…or all of them. For more information, click on the following links or visit my Hawaiian Islands page:

Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau
Oahu Visitors Bureau
Big Island Visitors Bureau
Kauai Visitors Bureau
Maui Visitors Bureau


Doing Business

Various resources are available to help individuals and companies interested in doing business in Hawaii. For information, contact The State Department of Business Development and Tourism (DBEDT) and the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii.




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Pre K

Mazie in the News

(1/29/2009) House passes stimulus plan

(12/4/2008) Hawaii to get $400K grant for foreclosure assistance

(12/3/2008) Federal funding available for Hawaii homeowners facing foreclosure

Map of 2nd District of Hawaii
Click on the image to learn more about the 2nd District of Hawai‘i.