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January 8, 2009

Andrew Wilder or Ryan Patmintra (202) 224-4521

Kyl: The United States Stands with Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate today approved a resolution recognizing the right of Israel to defend itself against terrorist attacks from Gaza and reaffirming the United States’ strong support for Israel in its battle with Hamas. Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl made the following statement:

“The first thing the resolution does is to remind people why the State of Israel had to act.

“Israel has had to endure more than 6,300 rocket and mortar attacks on its citizens since it fully withdrew from Gaza in 2005. In fact, the town of Sderot, which is about three miles from the border of Gaza, has been suffering for over eight years from these attacks.

“Is there any doubt that if the United States were suffering an attack from just across the border similar to what Israel is facing, that we wouldn't react to stop that from happening? I think there is no question that we would act to stop this terrorism, and this resolution expresses the United States’ support of Israel’s right to defend itself.

“The second point the resolution makes is that there is no equivalency between the terrorist actions of Hamas and the defensive actions of Israel. Israel conducts its military operations to spare innocent life. It has specifically targeted Hamas command centers, security installations, rocket-launching sites, weapons stockpiles, and weapons smuggling tunnels. It has tried very hard to avoid civilian casualties. Hamas, on the other hand, deliberately and maliciously fires rockets into civilian areas from civilian areas, thereby making it more difficult for Israel to target the terrorists and increasing the likelihood of civilian casualties when Israel does take action.

“Finally, this resolution speaks to calls for a cease-fire. Many voices in the international community have been heard pleading for an immediate cease-fire, although I think it is instructive that one never hears those voices condemning rocket attacks by Hamas terrorists.

“I believe the path to a halt in the violence is clear. A cease-fire is appropriate if, and when, it is durable and sustainable. A precipitous cease-fire, on the other hand, that would allow Hamas to rearm and rebuild its support in Gaza is not acceptable. Hamas cannot be given a cease-fire that only serves to provide it breathing room to regroup and then start firing its rockets and missiles again.

“By adopting this resolution, we have said to the Israeli people: ‘We stand with you, and we support you in defending yourselves against terrorists.’”


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