RSS Subscriptions

What is RSS?

You might have an extensive list of bookmarks for websites or blogs that you visit often, like national or local newspapers, weather sites, blogs, or even this site.  Because those sites are useful, you visit them frequently to see if there's any new information available for you to read. 

Using "RSS," or "Real Simple Syndication," you can stay informed in a different way.  Rather than visiting one or more websites for new information, that information is instead delivered into one place for you automatically. You don't need to know when new information is posted on a website or blog because new stories or postings come to you automatically when they appear on the site.

You might think of it this way:  RSS allows you to build your own personal newspaper, comprised of stories from a number of different sources, all selected by you and updated automatically.

You'll need an "RSS reader" or "feed reader" so that you can subscribe to and receive feeds.  These readers are usually software that is available for free or at minimal cost on the web, but they can also be websites themselves.

How Does RSS Work on the Bingaman Website?

My site offers RSS feeds for the content that is updated often, like news releases, floor statements, legislation, votes, and others.  I don't offer feeds for content that doesn't change much, like my biography or my contact information.  The RSS concept is best suited for  information that is refreshed or added to frequently, not for information that is relatively static.

Because the Senate deals with a wide range of issues, the content on my site encompasses many issues and affects all the geographic regions of New Mexico. However, people sometimes have varying levels of interest in different issues or areas of the state.  Because of that, my site allows you to customize your RSS feed based on the issues and geographic regions that matter most to you.  You can do so around document type; that is, what form the information takes on my site (news release, floor statement, vote, or some other type), geographic region of the state, and issue.   


RSS Feed Examples

Here are some examples of feeds you can create on my site by piecing together different content selections: 

  • All news releases, regardless of issue or geographic region.
  • Only news releases about health care issues, but for all areas of the state.
  • Only news releases about health care issues that are relevant to southwestern New Mexico.
  • Either news releases or floor statements, but only those that are both 1) about health care issues, or crime and justice issues, or the economy, and 2) relevant to either northwestern or northeastern New Mexico.
  • All floor statements, regardless of issue or geographic region.
  • Only floor statements about health care issues, but for all areas of the state.
  • And so on...


New Mexico Regional Map Southwest Central South West North East North Central North West

Click on your region of the state to see how my work in the Senate is impacting the area where you live.


Stay up to date by subscribing to my podcast. Download my most recent radio interviews with New Mexico reporters. [MORE]


View the ten most recent news releases or floor statements that contain an audio or video clip. [MORE]