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Press Release of Senator Lautenberg

Lautenberg Statement on Supreme Court Decision to Allow Lawsuits Against Tobacco Companies For Deceptive Advertising

Contact: Lautenberg Press Office (202) 224-3224
Monday, December 15, 2008

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) today issued the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled that lawsuits could proceed against tobacco companies for their deceptive advertising practices:
    “Today’s Supreme Court decision is a victory for smokers who were tricked into smoking ‘light’ cigarettes by Big Tobacco.  For years, tobacco companies claimed so-called ‘light’ and ‘low-tar’ cigarettes delivered less tar and nicotine—but these cigarettes can actually be more harmful for smokers.  We worked hard to eliminate the flawed federal testing method that allowed Big Tobacco to deceive smokers into thinking these cigarettes were healthier.   With today’s decision, smokers can hold the tobacco companies accountable.”

    Sen. Lautenberg chaired a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on November 13, 2007 to examine the accuracy of the FTC tar and nicotine cigarette rating system, and the marketing claims of tobacco companies based on these ratings.  During the hearing, Sen. Lautenberg released a 1975 Philip Morris internal document that showed that the company’s own testing method revealed that smokers who switched from Marlboro to Marlboro Lights actually took in more tar from the Marlboro Lights after the switch.  

    Sens. Lautenberg and Olympia Snowe (R – ME) are the authors of S. 2685, a bill to prohibit the cigarette companies from using the “FTC method” for measuring tar and nicotine.  The bill was approved by the Senate Commerce Committee.

    Sen. Lautenberg is one of the Senate’s leaders when it comes to fighting Big Tobacco and protecting Americans from the dangers of smoking.  Sen. Lautenberg wrote the law that banned smoking on airplanes, which helped trigger a broader smoke-free revolution.  Sen. Lautenberg is also the author of a law that banned smoking in buildings that house federally-funded facilities that serve children.

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