Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Harkin Welcomed Iowa National Guard To Washington To Assist With Inaugural Security

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) welcomed members of the Iowa National Guard to Washington, D.C. on Monday to provide additional assistance with security for the Inauguration of Barack Obama. The Guard members spent five days in the nation’s capitol assisting the District of Columbia’s Department of Transportation.

Senator Harkin visits with CPT Pegg 132nd Fighter Wing Services and MSG Umphres 132nd Fighter Wing Services, who are members of the Iowa National Guard LTC Stephen Boesen, Commander, 1-168th and Senator Tom Harkin talk about the assignment the Iowa National Guard will carry out while in Washington, D.C. : Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) speaks with LTC Boesen 1-168th IN and SFC Warner, C/2/34th BSTB of the Iowa National Guard.  Members of the Guard were in Washington to assist with security during the Inauguration of President Barack Obama Standing left to right: MAJ Undergraf 2/34th IN, SSG Bowers 1-168th IN, 1LT Green 1-168th IN, SSG Hestness 1-168th IN; Seated: SFC Kepler 2/34th IN, all members of the Iowa National Guard speak with Senator Tom Harkin

“No matter the assignment given to the Iowa National Guard, they perform their duty with honor, courage and determination. This assignment was no exception” said Harkin. “The Guard members from Iowa proudly serve Iowans, and Americans with pride and commitment to country and I was honored to spend some time meeting them during this historic inauguration.”

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