
January 29, 2009 - 11:37 AM

Sen. Burr on the Radio Today

Posted by: Burr Press Office
Earlier today, Senator Burr called into WSJS-AM to discuss the proposed economic “stimulus” package being debated in Congress.  To listen to the interview, please click on the link below.
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January 27, 2009 - 10:19 AM

Armed Services Committee Hearing

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr
Today, I had the opportunity to attend my first Armed Services Committee Hearing as a member of the committee. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is scheduled to testify today on the challenges facing the Department of Defense. I have worked with Secretary Gates over the past couple of years in my role on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and I am looking forward to working with him from the perspective of the Armed Services Committee. This committee assignment will give me new opportunities and tools to help North Carolina’s military communities and respond to the challenges facing military families throughout our state, the nation and across the globe.
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January 26, 2009 - 5:45 PM

Remembering Coach Kay Yow

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr
Over the weekend, we received the sad news that Kay Yow, the Head Coach of the North Carolina State University Women’s Basketball Team, lost her battle to cancer. I join NC State and the entire women’s basketball community in mourning her passing. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to Kay’s family – her sisters, Susan and Deborah and her brother Ronnie – and to the entire campus and community that adored her.
A native of Gibsonville, North Carolina, Coach Yow started the North Carolina State University Women’s Basketball Team in 1975 and was the school’s only head coach in the team’s 34-year history. Compiling 737 victories during the course of her 38-year career, she led her teams to 20 NCAA tournaments, making it to the Sweet 16 eleven times and to the Final Four in 1998. But her contributions off the court, where Coach Yow was a friend, a mentor, and a leader might have the most lasting impact. Coach Yow will be deeply missed, but the inspiration and the memories that she created will live forever.

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January 26, 2009 - 3:15 PM

Geithner Nomination

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr
Later today, the Senate is scheduled to vote on the nomination of Tim Geithner to serve as Secretary of the Treasury.  From reading multiple news accounts today, it looks as though he will end up being confirmed by the Senate.  On Friday, I released a statement expressing my lack of support for this nomination.  With his intimate involvement in many late-night deals during the height of the financial crisis last fall, particularly the ill-conceived merger with Wachovia and Citigroup, and his lack of detail in his answers to the Finance Committee concerning his unwillingness to pay his income taxes, I have many concerns about his judgment and ability to lead this important department. 
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January 23, 2009 - 5:49 PM

Week in Review – January 25, 2009

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr
This was a momentous week in Washington. An estimated 1.8 million people poured into our nation’s capital to witness the Inauguration of President Barack Obama, and hundreds of thousands of visitors came two days later to celebrate National Right to Life Day. I was very pleased to meet so many people from North Carolina for both events and was happy to welcome them to my office.
It was a busy week in the Senate as well. We confirmed many of President Obama’s cabinet picks. I have been pleased with many of his picks, but I unfortunately came to the conclusion that I cannot support his pick for Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geithner. To read my statement on Tim Geithner, please click here. The Senate also voted on legislation to amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. I am strongly opposed to pay discrimination based on gender and current laws forbid such conduct. Unfortunately, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is more about political theater than a serious effort to address any shortcomings in current law. By eliminating the statute of limitations, this bill would undermine the ability of our judicial system to fairly decide cases of alleged discrimination.
Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend.
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January 22, 2009 - 3:59 PM

National Right to Life Day

Senator Burr speaks with North Carolinians who came to Washington for the March for Life.

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr
Today marks the 36th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. Every year, our nation’s capital welcomes thousands of visitors to visit the National Mall for National Right to Life Day, including thousands of North Carolinians. I had the chance to personally welcome many of these North Carolinians today, and I look forward to working with them and their fellow advocates for life in the future.

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January 21, 2009 - 6:22 PM

Sen. Burr on North Carolina Public Radio - 01/21/09

Posted by: Burr Press Office
Earlier today, Senator Burr called into North Carolina Public Radio (WUNC) to discuss the change in leadership in Washington and some of the topics currently being discusseded in Washington including ideas on how to help speed our economic recovery.  To listen to the entire interview, please click on the link below.
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January 21, 2009 - 5:39 PM

Sen. Burr on the radio yesterday

Posted by: Burr Press Office
Yesterday, Senator Burr called into the special inauguration coverage on WPTF-AM and talked to Rick and Donna Martinez about Inauguration Day, the priorities of the incoming Obama Administration, and other issues that will likely come before the 111th Congress.  To listen to the entire interview, please click on the link below:
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January 21, 2009 - 3:02 PM

News of Note - January 21, 2009

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr
As the buzz surrounding the Inauguration winds down in Washington, it’s time to get down to work with our new president on the issues facing our nation.  Among the top concerns on the minds of many right now are the economy and the “stimulus” legislation being crafted by the Democratic majority here in Congress.  While this proposal certainly is one of the most expensive spending bills ever proposed, it remains to be seen if any of the proposed spending will help stimulate our economy.  It’s important to note that much of the spending measures included in the “stimulus” will not happen for years to come.  In fact, in an article from today’s Washington Post, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued a report that notes “…most of the spending would come too late to lift the nation out of recession.”  To read more from this article about the CBO’s analysis of the massive “stimulus” spending bill, click here.
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January 20, 2009 - 2:21 PM

Inauguration Day Photo Update

Former President Bush leaves the ceremony in the presidential helicopter
Posted by: Burr Press Office
In this picture you can see former President Bush leaving the swearing-in ceremony in the presidential helicopter. 
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