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North Carolina
North Carolina
North Carolina
The Blue Dog Coalition



Social Security has been a compact between generations that has provided peace of mind and security for millions of American seniors, disabled workers, and survivors of deceased workers. It is a defined benefit program that all Americans pay into, and that benefits all Americans.

Since its creation in 1935, Social Security has lifted millions of seniors out of poverty, and continues to do so today. Close to half of all seniors living in America today would live below the poverty line without Social Security benefits.

However, as the Baby Boomer generation begins to near retirement, Social Security will certainly face challenges and strains. Yet, these challenges are not impossible to overcome. In fact, the 2008 Trustee Report on the financial health of Social Security and Medicare predicts that Social Security will have sufficient funding for over thirty years.

I am committed to protecting Social Security for generations to come, and I look forward to working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make certain this defined benefit continues.

Need Help with your Social Security? Click Here: Link to Constituent Service help sheet

General questions about Social Security? Click Here.

To learn more about the history of Social Security click here.


imageCongressman Shuler chairs a hearing in the Small Business Subcommittee on Rural and Urban Entrepreneurship

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