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WASHINGTON – Senator Chuck Grassley today asked for a full accounting of the standard ... Read More >>

MODERATOR: The following is an unrehearsed interview with Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, speaking ... Read More >>

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   I sent a letter to the National Science Foundation's Inspector General requesting... Read More >>

For Immediate Release
June 19, 2008

Update on the Iowa Floods of 2008


Prepared Floor Statement of Senator Chuck Grassley
Update on the Iowa Floods of 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mr. President, I come to the floor today to give my colleagues an update on the devastating floods in Iowa. 
The President is seeing the floods for the first time today.  I appreciate Senator Harkin being there with him.  Senator Harkin and I are working together very closely to make sure every base is covered for Iowans.  We’ve traveled through Iowa together, we’re meeting regularly to sort though everything that needs to happen, and today we’re covered with him in Iowa with the President and me in the Senate to work for disaster recovery provisions in a housing bill.
The president has already named 55 counties as federal disaster areas.  More need to be named and I think he’ll see today the need to continue these declarations. 
During our tours through several communities last week, we were pleased to see a great deal of coordination between FEMA, SBA and the local officials.  It sounded as if they were all talking with one voice which is comforting to Iowans looking for guidance and support.
Today, many people are just starting to get back into their homes in businesses north of Iowa City.  Receding waters are bringing further heartache as residents salvage what they can, and then throw away what was destroyed by the flood waters.  These are the lucky ones.  There are many who are determining whether they can salvage the house, let alone what’s inside. 
Now, small communities like Oakville and Columbus Junction are completely submerged.  Farms lost everything including equipment, crops and livestock. Burlington and Keokuk are holding their breath to get through without the devastation of Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. 
Despite all of this Iowans continue to show their resiliency and heart.  I was on C-SPAN’s call-in program called Washington Journal earlier this week. People from all over the country called in to say how proud they were of the way Iowans were pulling together and working to get through this disaster.  I couldn’t agree more.
Volunteers continue to be at the forefront of our efforts. Local churches have made heroic efforts.  And, the Salvation Army and the Red Cross have been in Iowa since the beginning.  And, I can’t say enough about the local officials, law enforcement and the Iowa National Guard. 
I’d like to extend many thank yous to my colleagues for their support.  I think I can speak for both Senator Harkin and me in saying that.  We’ve had people in private and coming up to us on the Senate floor, is very gratifying.  Many of you have had similar events occurring in your own states and understand the pain being felt in Iowa. Our constituents are going to need the federal government’s help.  Senator Harkin and I have been meeting often and have also put together a coalition of Midwest Senators whose states are also being hit.  I thank you in advance for giving our constituents the help they need.