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Contact: Spencer Pederson 2022254540

Radanovich Asks Waxman for Hearing To Review Consumer Product Safety Bill
‘Surely no one expected or wanted to drive thousands of home-based and small businesses out of operation and turn thousands of Americans into surprise victims of a brutal recession’

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Radanovich/Barton CPSIA Letter to Waxman
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Washington, Jan 21 -

U.S. Reps. George Radanovich (R-Mariposa), and Joe Barton, (R-TX), today sent a letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman asking him to convene a hearing to examine the problems in implementing the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008.


“The e-mails, letters and phone calls we have received from constituents about the unintended consequences of certain provisions and deadlines in the CPSC’s implementation plan now number in the thousands.,” the Republicans wrote. “Many involved in CPSIA’s creation were passionate to improve the safety of our children’s products, but surely no one expected or wanted to drive thousands of home-based and small businesses out of operation and turn thousands of Americans into surprise victims of a brutal recession.


“Mr. Chairman, we remain strong supporters of the intentions behind last Congress’s toy safety legislation, and what we now request is not an overhaul of that work, but a necessary fine-tuning to make certain that real toy safety is achieved without the serious unintended consequences that so many innocent people now face. The first step toward providing prudent and effective relief is for our committee to conduct a hearing so everyone involved can explore the facts for themselves, understand the urgency, and coalesce around a solution.”


A copy of the letter can be found here.

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