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U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow - Press Release

January 13, 2009

Contact: Press Office
Phone: 202-224-4822

Stabenow Appointed to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Will continue to serve on Finance, Budget, and Agriculture Committees and once again serve in leadership as the Chair of the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) today announced her appointment to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which will play a leading role in shaping national energy policy in the 111th Congress. With Michigan’s continued emergence as a leader in alternative energy and advanced manufacturing, Stabenow will serve as a champion for developing the new green economy and creating jobs. Stabenow will continue to serve on the influential Senate Finance Committee, the Senate Agriculture Committee, and the Senate Budget Committee, all of which have jurisdiction over a wide range of issues important to Michigan. She will also once again serve in her leadership position as the Chair of the Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee.

“We stand at a critical time when the right policies and investments can create jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and combat global warming. My new responsibilities on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee will allow me to strengthen the role our state has in crafting and developing national energy policy,” Stabenow said. “I look forward to ensuring that Michigan maintains and expands on our leadership in advanced manufacturing and the emerging green economy. We have important work ahead of us, and I will continue to fight every day for the policies that create good-paying jobs and strengthen middle-class families.”

In the 110th Congress, Senator Stabenow championed the alternative energy and advanced manufacturing technology that will create new jobs in the green economy. In the last Congress, Stabenow was the author of legislation to provide low interest loans for our nation’s automakers to retool plants to create advanced technology vehicles. In addition, as a member of the Agriculture Committee, Stabenow led the effort to include major investments in bio fuels in last year’s farm bill.

Senator Stabenow’s Committee Assignments for the 111th Congress:

• Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee oversees legislation regarding renewable energy resources such as biofuels, wind, solar, and geothermal energy and it will continue to develop the Green Collar Jobs agenda. The committee also has jurisdiction over policies influencing our national parks and recreation areas as well as our forests, public lands, and wilderness areas. More information can be found at www.energy.senate.gov.

• Senate Finance Committee is one of the most influential committees in the U.S. Senate and has jurisdiction over a wide range of issues important to Michigan. All legislation regarding trade policy, pensions, health care, tax policy, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is referred to the Finance Committee. More information can be found at www.finance.senate.gov.

• Senate Agriculture Committee has jurisdiction over agriculture programs, nutrition programs, and rural development. Last year, the committee completed work on a new farm bill, which was critical to Michigan famers, families and economy. More information can be found at www.agriculture.senate.gov.

• Senate Budget Committee is responsible for drafting Congress' annual budget plan and monitoring action on the budget for the Federal Government. In addition, the Budget Committee has jurisdiction over the operation of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). More information can be found at www.budget.senate.gov.

• Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee, is responsible for fostering dialogue between the Senate Majority and national leaders on vital issues. In 2007, Senator Stabenow was named Chair of this Committee, where she served as the chief liaison between the Democratic caucus and organizations nationwide. After being reelected as Chair this year, Senator Stabenow will continue her work in the Senate Democratic leadership, shaping and advancing the Senate’s agenda. More information can be found at www.democrats.senate.gov/steering.