Tolland County

Senator Dodd is working to strengthen and improve Connecticut and to make a real difference in people’s lives. Here are some examples of the investments Senator Dodd has been able to secure for Tolland County.

Latest on Tolland County

  • 1/16/09 - Dodd, Lieberman Announce More Than $2 Million In New Federal Grants For Connecticut Fire Departments more
  • 1/15/09 - Dodd, Lieberman Protect Connecticut Natural Resources more
  • 1/15/09 - Dodd, Lieberman, Kerry, Kennedy Hail Senate Passage Of Bill To Preserve Quinebaug And Shetucket Rivers more
  • 1/08/09 - Dodd To Hear Health Care Concerns - Connecticut Post - Peter more
  • 1/05/09 - Dodd, Lieberman Announce New Federal Grants For Connecticut Fire Departments more
  • 12/19/08 - Dodd, Lieberman Announce New Federal Grant For Fire Departments Across more
  • 12/03/08 - Dodd Praises New Grants For Connecticut Foreclosure Counseling Services more
  • 12/03/08 - Dodd Invites Connecticut Retail Automotive Executive To Testify At Hearing On Automotive Industry more
  • 12/02/08 - Dodd, Lieberman Announce New Federal Grant For Somers Fire Department more
  • 11/13/08 - Dodd Holds Oversight Hearing On Financial Rescue Package more

Appropriations | Senator Dodd in Tolland County

Homeland Security

$1,782,272 in federal grants from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for fiscal years 2004 and 2005, awards made possible by the FIRE Act of 2000, a law authored by Senator Dodd that gives local fire departments the ability to purchase new equipment, hire new personnel, and initiate education and training programs.


$6,350,000 in FY 2005 for the construction of a new intermodal transportation center serving Vernon.

$4,500,000 in FY 2005 for the University of Connecticut to extend Hillside Road from its campus to Route 44 in Mansfield.

$3,000,000 in FY 2004 for the Connecticut Department of Transportation to purchase new buses for use statewide.

$2,500,000 in FY 2005 for the Connecticut Department of Transportation to widen Storrs Road in Mansfield.


$800,000 since FY 2004 for the Connecticut State University Teacher Training Initiative. This effort involves training future teachers who will work in Connecticut public school systems. The goal is to reduce an expected shortage of teachers in the coming years.


$500,000 since FY 2004 for Rockville General Hospital of Vernon to expand its Emergency Department.

Social Services

$400,000 in FY 2005 for the Connecticut Council of Family Service Agencies’ Employment Success Program, a statewide initiative that works in 90 locations with low-income Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients to find sustainable and permanent employment in the Connecticut job market.

Law Enforcement

$1,000,000 in FY 2005 for the Connecticut State Police to upgrade communications and criminal tracking technology that can be used in conjunction with municipal police department resources.

Senator Dodd in Tolland County

  • Senator Dodd visited the University of Connecticut in Storrs to award the Thomas Dodd Prize more
  • Senator Dodd joined Mayor Ellen Marmer, local business leaders, and representatives from the EPA, in a tour the Amerbelle Textiles manufacturing facility in September 2005.
( published in: Tolland County )