Health Care

Many of my efforts in the Senate focus on improving health care for New Mexicans.  I am the only member of the majority to sit on both the Health Education and Labor (HELP) Committee and Finance Committee, which together have primary jurisdiction over the U.S. healthcare system.  My efforts on the HELP committee focus on improving healthcare workforce to attract qualified doctors, nurses, and other professionals to New Mexico. 

I am also working to strengthen the nation’s healthcare infrastructure, and to address health disparities and the problem of obesity, particularly among children.  As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, the panel with sole jurisdiction over Medicaid and Medicare, I am working to improve and expand quality health care to all New Mexicans  -- especially those who are currently uninsured.

News | E-Newsletters | Statements | Legislation | Votes | Grants

Information on this page is current as of November 7, 2008.   

Jan 28 Bingaman Lends Strong Support to Bill That Extends Health Care to N.M. Children
Jan 28 Bingaman Talks with New Mexico Radio Reporters About SCHIP
Jan 27 JOINT RELEASE: Bingaman and Udall: Senate Appropriation Committee Clears Bill to Stimulate Economy
Jan 27 Bingaman Bill Would Boost Access to Health Care
Jan 22 Bingaman Introduces Medicare Reform Bill

Dec 01 Accomplishments of the 110th Congress
Mar 01 Protecting Consumers
Jan 01 Accomplishments and Priorities
Nov 01 Bush Vetoes Children's Health Care
Aug 01 Newsletter: Congressional Roundup--Making Progress in the 110th Congress


(Links to complete listing below.)

Feb 26 Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments
Jan 22 Indian Health Care Improvement Act
Dec 13 Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act - Continued
Dec 13 Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act
Dec 12 Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act -

Full Listing of Senator Jeff Bingaman: Health Care Statements

This Congress Statements | Last Congress Statements

(These links will take you to Thomas, hosted by the Library of Congress)


(Links to complete listing below.)

Apr 25 Native American Methamphetamine Enforcement and Treatment Act of 2006
Jul 17 Border Health Security Act of 2007
Jun 17 Border Health Security Act of 2007

Full Listing of Senator Jeff Bingaman: Health Care Legislation

This Congress: Legislation Sponsored | Legislation Cosponsored
Last Congress: Legislation Sponsored | Legislation Cosponsored

(These links will take you to Thomas, hosted by the Library of Congress.)


Mar 03 Canadian Beef Imports

Only a small number of votes are highlighted here. See this listing of votes on the U.S. Senate website for for a full record.




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Explore the larger themes that emerge from the interaction of individual legislative issues. [MORE]

A photo of the dome of the U.S. Capitol. This photo is also a link to the Introduction to the Senate page.


Like any field, policy making uses a vocabulary of specific terms. [MORE]


The Senate is an institution of deliberation and compromise. [MORE]


After a senator introduces legislation, it is assigned to the appropriate committee and subcommittee. [MORE]