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@planetrussell in the marketplace of ideas think of that thread as a column by a "food critic", your taste may vary ;-)
@planetrussell fully agree - my comments on s/n ratio r meant to suggest twitter is much more than "microblogging" or PR channel 4 ur blog..
@ricksanchezcnn I think it was "THE Whuppin' '" - "HOW - COULD - YOU - NOT - PAY - YOUR - TAXES ? " with a "whup" in between each word
@dweinberger for hard core Republicans "Republican <==> American" by definition - don't question statement, it's unpatriotic to do so ;-)
@davewiner that sounds a lot like "I do and I do and I do and this is the thanks I get ?" ;-)
signal = information = something unexpected from which you might learn something. URL's to your blog/site = predictable = eyes-glaze-over
re: @guykawasaki 's queston about s/n ratio - I consider noise = ads in the middle of content = self-referential-URL's in a conversation
@guykawasaki another measure of signal/noise is #(non-url tweets)/#(url tweets) By that measure @guykawasaki signal/noise ratio is low, no?
@guykawasaki signal/noise ratio = #RT's/(#followers x #tweets) or better #clickthru's/(#followers x #tweets)
@guykawasaki also signal/noise ratio is highly subjective one man's noise is another man's signal
@guykawasaki I could explain it as 216 people RT'ing the one great URL in the day, or 108 people RT'ing the 2 great ones or ..... ;-)
I like the @guykawasaki spam bot because every so often I find something interesting so I keep following but the signal-noise ratio is v.lo
@stoweboyd the spelling might suggest you were talking to an imaginary friend ;-) Twitter resolves @nitin but not @Nitin, :-(
@davelakhani am trying to stick to reading people who have had the experience
@manishamusic ... especially "Swami Rama. Enlightenment Without God Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, 1982."
@manishamusic and references at the bottom of the article
@holymully are you using the Mac Devanagari keyboard or something else ?
All human beings have the potential to understand and direct their life streams toward the ocean of bliss-Enlightenment without God,Sw. Rama
In the Upanishadic philosophy the mind is released from all religious prejudices so then one can think and reason freely.
.... "It is the union of the individual with Universal Conciousness" ... wow! succinct, clear and incisive.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla rabble Livia Kevin S. Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca Naina Redhu danah boyd Mary Hodder Ross Om Malik tedr Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Rob Hayes Thomas Vander Wal Hiten Shah Jackson West Dave Winer Christine Herron Glenda Carlos Granier Dan Cederholm Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag
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