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Jan 26, 2009

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for
H.R. 1 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Listed in Alphabetical Order
January 27, 2009 5:55 PM

Adler (NJ)


Would provide unemployed or retired seniors and disabled veterans with a $500 economic recovery payment.  It would not apply to any person (1) whose Federal program benefits have been suspended (because of prison, fugitive status, probation or parole violation, or found to have committed fraud); (2) who is an alien; or (3) is not lawfully present in the United States.

Bachmann (MN)


Would require that within two years upon any state or local government receiving funds, such state must implement legislation which limits the annual increase in state spending to inflation plus the percentage increase in population, and requires voter approval for any new tax rate increase, extension of a tax due to expire, or tax policy changes causing a net revenue gain, and such local government must implement legislation which limits the annual increase in spending to inflation plus the percentage change in net taxable real property and requires voter approval for any new tax rate increase, extension of a tax due to expire, or tax policy changes causing a net revenue gain, and further provides that should a state or local government fail to pass such legislation, funds it has received under this Act shall be returned to the US Treasury.

Barrett (SC)


Would strike language in the legislation that allows nonprofit entities or consortia of nonprofit entities to apply for certain "Community Development Fund" grants.

Barrett (SC)


Would strike funding for the temporary increase in benefits under the supplemental nutrition assistance program, periodic censuses and programs, NASA climate research, energy efficient Federal motor vehicle fleet procurement, National Mall Revitalization, Smithsonian projects, National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), LIHEAP, and capital and debt service to AMTRAK.

Barton (TX)


Would eliminate the requirement that, in order to receive energy efficiency funds, governors notify the Secretary of Energy that they would seek to change state utility ratemaking policy to ensure the utility's fixed costs are covered independent of sales.

Bilirakis (FL)


Would allow a tax credit of 25%, not to exceed $5,000, for home and business owners to weather-proof their homes and businesses to better withstand hurricane force winds, tornadoes and water intrusion, in which eligibility is limited to residents of specified states.

Bilirakis (FL)


Would provide a $7,500 tax credit to eligible combat soldiers and civilians who previously served in combat for the purchase of a principal residence made through 2010.  Would provide that the homebuyer credit is also available to the surviving spouses of such service members.  The credit will not be available if a first-time homebuyer credit is allowed, if the taxpayer is a nonresident alien, if the residence is financed by a qualified mortgage issue with tax-exempt interest, or if the taxpayer disposes of the residence before the close of the taxable year.

Bishop, Rob (UT)


Would strike section 13011 (which prohibits state fiscal stabilization funds from being used for the assistance of students to attend private elementary or secondary schools).

Bishop, Tim (NY)


Would clarify the authority of the Secretary of the Army to permit recipients of stimulus funding for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers related project to defer the non-Federal share of the project for up to 30 years.

Bishop, Tim (NY)


Would increase funding for construction and maintenance efforts by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to $7 billion.

Bishop, Tim (NY)/Higgins (NY)/King, Peter (NY)/Arcuri (NY)/Tauscher (CA)/Hirono (HI)/Hinchey (NY)/Larsen (WA)/Kagen (WI)/Norton (DC)/Carnahan (MO)


Would increase funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, under the Environmental Protection Agency’s State and Tribal Assistance Grants to $12 billion.

Blackburn (TN)


Would require that starting in FY2010, a State would not be eligible for its FMAP increase under subsections (a), (b), (c), or in cap amount under subsection (d) if the Secretary determines that any reimbursement rate under the State plan for any item or service is less than such rate for such item or service.

Blunt (MO)/Rogers, Mike (MI)


Would amend provisions in the bill regulating the receipt of payment for making health care communications to ensure nothing in the bill will prevent a pharmacist from collecting and sharing information with their patients to reduce errors and improve their safety and stipulates that any money received for these activities is reasonable and cost based.

Bordallo (GU)


(REVISED)  Would appropriate $500 million to the Maritime Administration (MARAD) for port intermodal facility investments to include but not limited to expansion and improvements at current port facilities, and would limit funding to projects that are currently authorized under federal law for the Maritime Administration to act as the facilitator of such port development.

Bordallo (GU)/Young, Don (AK)/Davis, Susan (CA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would appropriate $1.25 billion to the Maritime Administration (MARAD) for port intermodal facility investments to include but not limited to expansion and improvements at current port facilities and would allow the Maritime Administration to determine the projects that would receive funding.

Bordallo (GU)/Faleomavaega (AS)


(WITHDRAWN) Would waive the 0.33 grant allotment limit applied to the territories under the Clean Water State Revolving Funds and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds sections of this bill.

Boustany (LA)


Would prevent Medicare from using comparative effectiveness research or cost-effectiveness research analysis to deny coverage for treatments that would be medically beneficial for patient populations or subpopulations.

Broun (GA)


Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute.  Would provide a stimulus check of equal monetary value to every legal resident of the United States that filed a taxable return for 2008, where the total amount is equal to $825 billion.

Brown, Corinne (FL)


Would increase funding for Intercity Passenger Rail Service from $300 million to $3.5 billion and would increase funding for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation from $800 million to $1.5 billion.

Brown, Corinne (FL)/Mica (FL)


Would negate the need for local matching funds for airport improvement projects.

Brown-Waite (FL)


Would redirect $200 million from the “National Mall Revitalization Fund”, $50 million from the “Grants and Administration” heading of the “National Endowment for the Arts”, $800 million from the  “Capital and Debt Service Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation” (Amtrak), and $600 million from the “Energy Efficient Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Procurement” to the Small Business Loans Program Account.

Brown-Waite (FL)


Would strike the Treasury Department's report to Congress on COBRA and instead require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to study whether employers experience any financial impact as a result of the change in COBRA premiums and would require reporting every quarter.  It also requests that GAO submit legislative recommendations for reimbursing any increase in employer costs.

Buyer (IN)


Would provide that $10 million in grant funding is appropriated for entities that provide job skill training for homeless women veterans and homeless veterans with children.

Buyer (IN)


Would increase the amount of subsistence allowance to $1,200 for veterans undergoing vocational and rehabilitation training.

Buyer (IN)


Would appropriate $20 million for veteran's workforce investment programs under section 168 of the Workforce Investment Act.

Buyer (IN)


Would appropriate $1 billion to guarantee small business loans for veterans.

Camp (MI)/Cantor (VA)


Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute.  (REVISED)   Would strike everything after enacting clause and adds income tax rate deductions for bottom two income tax brackets, alternative minimum tax relief, small business deduction, bonus depreciation, small business expensing, expanded carryback of net operating losses, improved home buyer credit, unemployment benefit tax exemption, health insurance premium deduction, repeal of 3 percent withholding requirement for government contractors, extension of unemployment benefits, and a Sense of Congress against tax increases to offset outlays.

Capito (WV)


Would add a limitation of funds for Department of Housing and Urban Development programs included in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 2304(a), the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (regarding assistance for redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes).

Capito (WV)


Would direct the GAO to perform a study on the spend out rates of the Department of Housing and Urban Development programs funded through H.R. 1, including the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, and would direct GAO to recommend ways to improve the spend out rate to make the programs more efficient.

Capuano (MA)


Would repeal the deduction for the major integrated and state-owned oil and gas companies, and freezes at 6 percent the deduction for other oil and gas companies.

Capuano (MA)


Would create offsets treating income received by partners for performing investment management services as ordinary income received for the performance of services.

Cardoza (CA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would require Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds to be allocated in a way that prioritizes areas with the highest foreclosure rates and largest drops in home equity.

Carney (PA)


Would increase the EPA’s currently proposed $100 million for Brownfields redevelopment to $1 billion, expand the scope of eligible activities under the grant program (site assessment, remediation costs, infrastructure, and environmental restoration), and open up the grant program from redevelopment agencies or municipalities to also include private entities through the use of a 2-1 match.

Carney (PA)


Would fund the Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) at $3 billion for the period between FY09-11 and increase the funding limits for grants from the current $2 million limit to $100 million, with all BEDI requirements that developers take out HUD-108 loans for this program remaining intact.

Carney (PA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would allow rehabilitation hospitals and acute long-term care hospitals to receive bonus payments of up to $2 million for meeting the electronic health records criteria established in the bill.

Carter (TX)/Burgess (TX)


Would prevent states from receiving any increase in Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) unless the state demonstrates an effective Medicaid patient claim data mining program to detect waste, fraud and abuse.

Carter (TX)


Would prohibit any additional FMAP funds from going to any State unless the State demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the State has a functioning patient claim data mining program in place to detect waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicaid program.

Castor (FL)


Would require that not less than $250 million of the $1 billion provided for grants to institutional entities for energy sustainability and efficiency be for grants to public or non-profit hospitals.

Castor (FL)


Would enable public and nonprofit hospitals to be eligible recipients of the Department of Energy Grants for Institutional Entities for Energy Sustainability and Efficiency. 

Clay (MO)


(REVISED)  Would require States to consider whether the eligible entity receiving grant funds is a socially and economically disadvantaged small business concern as defined under section 8 (a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.D.C. 637).

Clay (MO)


Would ensure that at least 35 percent of the grant funds to health information technology vendors be awarded to small disadvantaged businesses and women-owned businesses.  

Clay (MO)


Would require States to consider whether the eligible entity receiving grant funds is a socially and economically disadvantaged small business concern as defined under section 8 (a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.D.C. 637).

Clyburn (SC)


(REVISED) Would require not later than 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, for funds provided to any State or agency thereof, the Governor of the State, or the State legislature by means of a statement submitted by its leadership, shall certify that the State will request and use funds provided by this Act. Funding to the State will be for public and private entities within the State either by formula or at the State's discretion.

Clyburn (SC)


Would designate $15 million for the Historic Preservation Fund within the National Park Service for the renovation and preservation of buildings on Historically Black Colleges and Universities campuses. It also waives the institutional match for projects under this provision.

Cohen (TN)


Would lower the eligibility rate for the refundable tax credit from $75,000 for individuals to $50,000 for individuals and from $150,000 for married couples to $100,000 for married couples and would divert the funding saved to NIH & COPS programs.

Cuellar (TX)


Would provide $50 million in additional funding for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program.

Cuellar (TX)


(WITHDRAWN) Would increase funding levels for broadband by $3 billion, which would provide the National Telecommunications and Information Administration additional funding to provide broadband for rural communities.

Cummings (MD)


Would require the Transportation Secretary to report to Congress on a monthly basis on assistance provided by the Transportation Department's Minority Resource Center on the total amount of bonding assistance and the number of disadvantaged businesses benefitting from such assistance.

Davis, Lincoln (TN)


Would amend the current Home Buyer Tax Credit to allow for the monetization of the credit, allowing the value to be used as cash at the closing table for the down payment on a principle home.

Davis, Susan (CA)


Would increase funding for the Compassion Capital Fund from $100 million to $600 million to provide needed support for faith and community-based social service organizations.

Deal (GA)


Would require citizenship and identity verification for all applicants for Medicaid enrollment, notwithstanding any other provision of law.

Deal (GA)


Would prohibit, starting with FY2010, any State from collecting Temporary Increase in Medicaid FMAP funds unless the State can annually demonstrate that it provides a dispensing fee of no less than $9 for Medicaid covered prescription drugs.

Deal (GA)


Would require, starting in FY2010, States to cover at least 90 percent of eligible individuals at or below 100 percent of the Federal poverty level before increasing eligibility to other individuals.

Doggett (TX)


Would establish a plug-in hybrid vehicle tax credit.

Duncan (TN)


Would require the Secretary of Transportation, at the request of a State, to designate projects carried out under the Highway Infrastructure Investment heading as high-priority transportation infrastructure projects under Executive Order 13274 (environmental stewardship and transportation infrastructure project reviews).

Edwards (MD)


Would make funding available for the purchase of mortgage revenue bonds for single-family housing issued through state housing finance agencies. 

Edwards (MD)


Would allow students with drug convictions to remain eligible for student loan funding.

Ehlers (MI)


(REVISED)  Would permit funds provided by the bill to institutions of higher education for modernization, renovation, and repair to include as an eligible activity the development of university sustainability programs and practices in the areas of energy management, greenhouse emissions reductions, green building, waste management, transportation and other aspects of sustainability.

Ehlers (MI)


Would clarify the disproportionate patient percentage calculation for hospitals providing services to ventilator-dependent patients who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.

Emerson (MO)


Would prohibit funds from being appropriated for the administration, implementation, or enforcement of tax rate increases during calendar years 2009 and 2010.

Faleomavaega (AS)/Bordallo (GU)/Sablan  (MP)/Christensen (VI)/Honda (CA)


(REVISED)  Would provide $536 million to the Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) for infrastructure projects in the territories that are in the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, and would remove the territories allocation of $395 million from the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund and by reducing the funds for the Wireless and Broadband Deployment Grant Programs by $141 million.

Fattah (PA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would direct the Secretary of the Treasury to work with the Secretaries of Commerce, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, and Education to award competitive, peer-reviewed grants and/or enter into cooperative agreements with entities to perform outreach and informational programs to low-income and minority populations affected by programs funded under this Act and would appropriate $20 million for each of fiscal years 2009 through 2011 to the Secretary of the Treasury to carry out this section.

Flake (AZ)


Would indicate that Members shall not influence discretionary funding by agencies or state and local officials on behalf of campaign contributors.

Flake (AZ)


Would prohibit funds from being used for any duck pond, museum, skate park, equestrian center, dog park, ski hill, historic home, ice rink, splash playground, or speaker system.

Flake (AZ)


Would strike funding in the bill for the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Flake (AZ)


Would strike $6 billion in funding for construction, alteration or repair of federal buildings to improve energy efficiency and conservation.

Flake (AZ)


Would strike funding for Amtrak.

Flake (AZ)


Would strike funding for the National Mall Revitalization Fund.

Flake (AZ)


Would strike funding for Americorps.

Forbes (VA)


Would prohibit funds made available under the Act from being used to employ individuals who are not citizens of the United States.

Frelinghuysen (NJ)/Latham (IA)


Would take funds legislatively withheld from obligation until not earlier than fiscal year 2010 and make them available for Army Corps of Engineer construction projects ($24.2 billion) and Department of Transportation highway infrastructure investment ($34 billion) and capital improvement projects ($2 billion).

Garrett (NJ)


Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute.  Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute that would repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax on individuals, reduce individual income taxes, reduce taxes on capital assets, make rescissions in non-defense discretionary spending, and includes other provisions relating to business, individuals and higher education.

Giffords (AZ)


Would revise the grant program for eligible renewable energy property so that projects would be eligible for grants based on when they commence construction, rather than when they are placed in service. 

Giffords (AZ)


(REVISED) Would extend the eligibility through 2012 of Section 1011(a)(1) of the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003.

Gingrey (GA)


Would revise Medicare bonus/penalties for Health Information Technology by starting Medicare bonus payment for HIT one year earlier than the bill, would provide that the bonus payment would be available until 85% penetration of adoption by physicians and hospitals or until 2018, and would provide that the penalties should not begin until there is 50% penetration of adoption.

Gingrey (GA)


Would provide that states would not eligible for FMAP or funding increases if the Secretary determines that an individual has not submitted satisfactory documentation of identity.  It also would require individuals to submit satisfactory documentation of identity under Medicaid.

Gingrey (GA)


Would revise section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code to allow physicians to increase the deduction allowed under section 179 for the purchase of qualified health care information technology by health care professionals.  The amendment increases the first year deduction of rapid depreciation for qualified equipment from $125,000 to $250,000.  The amendment also increases the purchase maximum for qualifying equipment from $500,000 to $600,000 in any given year.  It also allows physicians to include other medical equipment purchases in the same year they purchase an EMR system in the section 179 deduction.

Gingrey (GA)


Would freeze physician payment from Medicare for 2010 at the 2009 level.

Gingrey (GA)


Would repeal section 526 of the Energy Independence and Income Security Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-140) regarding agency purchase of alternative fuels.

Gingrey (GA)


Would ensure that all applicants for the Medicaid program document their identity and prohibit the Secretary from distributing any funds under the Temporary Increase of Medicaid FMAP to any State the Secretary finds is not in compliance with this identity verification requirement.

Graves (MO)


Would waive the National Environmental Policy Act requirements for eligible highway projects in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Green, Gene (TX)


Would waive the local match requirement for Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grants directed to recovery efforts from Hurricane Ike. 

Grijalva (AZ)


Would increase Workforce Investment Act funding from $4 billion to $4.1 billion; increase funding for youth literacy under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act by $500 million; and provide $250 million for the Adult Education State Grants under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act.

Hare (IL)


Would increase the amount appropriated for “Capital Assistance for Intercity Passenger Rail Service” from $300 million to $800 million.

Hare (IL)


Would require institutions of higher education to modify the financial aid award of students to reflect any changes in the financial condition of such students resulting from the recession and the economic dislocations that are the basis of the Act.

Hastings (FL)/Diaz-Balart, Lincoln (FL)


(REVISED)  Would allow the Secretary to grant a waiver of maintenance of effort requirements for the Department of Education's State Fiscal Stabilization Fund to states facing economic hardship due to natural disasters or a precipitous decline in the financial resource of the State.

Heller (NV)


Would strike section 1301 (regarding waiver of requirement to repay first-time homebuyer credit), would extend homebuyer credit to end of 2009, and expand the credit to cover all purchases of primary residences.

Hensarling (TX)


Would prohibit any of the funds made available in the bill from being used to fund any program that was not previously authorized in law prior to January 21, 2009, or not currently authorized in law.

Hodes (NH)


Would allow states a time extension to complete Federal Highway Administration-funded projects if cold weather and freezing necessitate a longer time frame.

Hodes (NH)


Would allow States a time extension to complete funded projects if cold weather and freezing necessitate a longer time frame.

Hoekstra (MI)


Would extend the 180-day timeframe requirement for 1031 like-kind exchanges to 365 days.

Hoekstra (MI)/Bean (IL)


Would accelerate the depreciation time of commercial heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) units from 39 to 20 years.

Hoekstra (MI)


Would provide states with flexibility in the use of certain transportation, education and job training federal formula grants for 36 months.

Hoekstra (MI)


(REVISED)  Would direct the regulatory implementation of existing authorization law to provide enhanced access to government business opportunities on a competitive basis.

Holt (NJ)


Would include among the enumerated authorized uses for education funding for High-Performing Public School Facilities and for Higher Education Modernization, Renovation and Repair the use of the funds for the replacement of traditional pest management practices with integrated pest management practices that promote nonchemical methods of pest prevention and management using least toxic pesticide alternatives.

Holt (NJ)


Would appropriate $50 million for making payments under section 261 of the Help America Vote Act to make polling places accessible to individuals with disabilities, and offsetting the same amount from the $1.5 billion appropriation for the NIH renovation and repair fund.

Honda (CA)/Hirono (HI)/Wu (OR)/Abercrombie (HI)/Faleomavaega (AS)/Scott, Robert (VA)/Richardson (CA)/Lee (CA)


Would authorize $198 million for compensation for Filipino World War II Veterans. 

Inslee (WA)


Would increase funds in the bill by $750 million from $1 billion for section 135 in loan guarantees for advanced batteries and components.

Inslee (WA)


Would increase funds for advanced batteries by $1.5 billion for advanced battery technologies, with an additional $750 million for advanced battery direct loans from the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), and $500 million for energy storage activities from EISA.

Inslee (WA)/Schiff(CA)


(REVISED)  Would increase the allowable length of federal renewable energy power purchase agreements from 10 to 30 years and set the maximum amount expended through such agreements, at any one time, at $480,000,000.

Inslee (WA)


Would provide $2 billion for Federal energy management programs, offset by a $2 billion reduction in funding supervised by the General Services Administration for the construction, repair, and alteration of Federal buildings for energy conservation and efficiency.

Israel (NY)/Weiner (NY)


(REVISED)  Would expand the Weatherization Assistance Program eligibility from 200% of the poverty level to an annual household income of $250,000 for access to energy efficiency home improvements.

Issa (CA)


Would create a ten-member legislative panel, the Financial Oversight Commission, to examine and report on the causes of the financial crisis of 2008. The Commission would have one year to conduct investigations, make findings, and report their recommendations to Congress and President.

Issa (CA)


Would alter the composition of the Accountability and Transparency Board. Would apply the open meeting requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act to the Board. Finally, the amendment prohibits Board interference in pending or ongoing IG investigations.

Issa (CA)


Would prohibit the use of funds provided in the bill for lobbying, publicity, propaganda, or political activity, including election assistance and voter registration. 

Jackson-Lee (TX)


(WITHDRAWN)  Would ensure that no funds from the bill can be used to fortify or limit the Medicare prohibition exception on physician ownership or investment in hospitals or medical centers.

Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX)


Would provide $285 million in additional funding  for the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Program established under TEA-21 to provide three forms of credit assistance for eligible transportation projects of national or regional significance.

Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX)


(REVISED)  Would direct funds to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions for the purpose of historic preservation, digital divide funding, NSF CCLI program funding, and the HBCU Capital Financing Program and would provide for $125 million for historic preservation would come from National Park Service Construction, and $360.2 million would come from Higher Education Modernization, Renovation, and Repair.

Kagen (WI)


Would reduce from 50 percent to 40 percent the amount of funding for small business loans for plant acquisitions that must come from state or local governments, banks, or nonprofits under section 502(3)(B)(ii) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958.

Kanjorski (PA)


Would appropriate $60 billion to reinstate the General Revenue Sharing Program to provide local governments with a source of revenue for offering social services to the aged and the poor, undertaking job-creating infrastructure projects, and maintaining public safety networks. 

Kanjorski (PA)


Would waive the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act for any funds appropriated under the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act. 

Kilroy (OH)


Would exclude up to $2,400 of unemployment compensation benefits received in 2009 from the recipient's taxable gross income.

King, Steve (IA)


Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute.  Would strike the contents of the bill and replace with the text of H.R. 25, the Fair Tax Act.  Title I of H.R. 25 repeals income taxes, payroll taxes, and estate and gift taxes.  Title II enacts a sales tax.  Title III phases out the administration of repealed Federal taxes, provides for the administration of other Federal taxes, and indexes Social Security benefits to the Sales tax.  Title IV provides for the elimination of the sales tax if the 16th Amendment is not repealed.  

King, Steve (IA)


Would strike the provisions of the bill requiring that government contractors pay their workers in accordance with the requirements of Davis-Bacon.

King, Steve (IA)


Would require a person’s social security number to be verified by E-Verify to be eligible for any tax benefit, loan, or grant.

King, Steve (IA)


Would add a provision to the bill to repeal the Community Reinvestment Act.

King, Steve (IA)


Would add a provision to the bill suspending capital gains taxes in 2009 and 2010.

Kingston (GA)


Would redirect $50 million from the National Endowment for the Arts to the Highway Infrastructure Investment account.

Kingston (GA)


Would reduce the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act by 1 percent.

Kirk (IL)


Would establish a bipartisan congressional oversight panel to review the use of the funds made available under this Act.

Kirk (IL)


Would strike $200 million in funds appropriated for the National Mall Revitalization Fund.

Kissel (NC)


(REVISED)  Would provide that funds appropriated are used to purchase iron, steel, and goods manufactured in the United States.

Kissel (NC)


(REVISED)  Would expand the Berry Amendment Extension Act to include DHS to require the government to purchase uniforms for more than one hundred thousand uniformed employees from U.S. textile and apparel manufacturers.

Kosmas (FL)


Would provide an additional $2 billion for NASA’s Exploration and Space Operations space shuttle return-to-flight programs

Lamborn (CO)


Would provide $6.2 billion for defense procurement and eliminates the Weatherization Assistance Program Amendments.

Latham (IA)


Would require that recipients of funds certify that the funds will be used to supplement existing funds already committed to a project or activity or start new ones but will not be used to supplant or substitute for existing funds.

Lewis, John (GA)/Moran, James (VA)/Van Hollen (MD)


Would require the Secretary of the Treasury to report on actions to assist certain lessees with any defeased lease transaction that is in technical default because of a downgrade of a financial guarantor.

Lipinski (IL)


Would require that any money spent under the bill be used to buy American-made products whenever possible.

Mack (FL)


Would strike the language in the bill pertaining to the wage rate requirements.

Mack (FL)


Would strike section 1111 (regarding wage rate requirements) and would add language that specifically states that any funding provided by the federal government through this Act will not be subject to prevailing wage rate requirements (Davis-Bacon Act).

Manzullo (IL)


Would provide a temporary tax credit of $5,000 and $2,500 for any new vehicle purchased in 2009 and 2010 respectively, would provide a temporary tax credit of $2,000 and $1,000 for any late model used vehicle purchased (as defined as 3 years old or less based on model year) in 2009 and 2010 respectively, would be limited for vehicles that cost under $50,000 and would only be allowed for households with an adjusted gross income of $125,000 (or $250,000 filing jointly).

Markey (MA)


Would require that the Secretary require, as a condition of receiving funding under Title XIII of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, that the demonstration projects utilize Internet-based or other open protocols and standards if available and appropriate, and would require that grants recipients utilize Internet-based or other open protocols and standards.

Matsui (CA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would ensure that grants to community health centers give priority to pending high-scoring applications for such grants that have yet to be funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration.

McCarthy (NY)


Would allow a provision allowing school construction funds to be used to reduce or eliminate human exposure to environmental noise pollution.

McCarthy (NY)


Would designate $187 million under the COPS program to allow for grants to states and state courts to improve their computer records system related to criminal background checks as specified by the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-180).

McCotter (MI)


Would require any new infrastructure project created by funding provided in H.R. 1 to be named after a member of the United States Armed Forces who was killed in combat or an emergency response provider who was killed in the line of duty.

McGovern (MA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would increase funding for food banks and for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program from $150 million to $368 million.

McGovern (MA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would increase benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program from 13.6 percent to 20 percent.

McGovern (MA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would increase funding for food banks and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program from $150 million to $368 million.  It also would increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits from 13.6 percent to 20 percent.

Meek (FL)


(WITHDRAWN)  Would create a benchmark of funding levels such that states and local entities are required to maintain their support for modernization, renovation, and repair of public school facilities at least at the level of such support in fiscal year 2006.

Melancon (LA)


Would provide transition SURE payments for row crop producers and grants to aquaculture producers affected by agriculture disasters in 2008 so that within 90 days of enactment, farmers can sign up for buy-up insurance coverage for an administrative fee, and also provides $100 million in grants available until September 30, 2010 for aquaculture producers for losses associated with high feed input costs during 2008.   

Miller, Candice (MI)


Would create a one-time, $5,000 tax deduction for the purchase of a new automobile which would apply to vehicles purchased within 180 days of enactment of the legislation, in which individuals and small businesses would be eligible.  

Mitchell (AZ)


Would make current capital gains and estate tax cuts permanent.

Mitchell (AZ)


Would prevent the automatic pay adjustment for Members of Congress from going into effect in 2010.

Moore, Gwen (WI)


This amendment would add $3.6 billion to fund an additional 200,000 tenant-based Section 8 Housing vouchers. The vouchers are structured so that they expire once the family they are initially allocated to is no longer eligible for them.

Moore, Gwen (WI)


The amendment would extend the temporary resumption of the prior child support law to end on December 31, 2010, rather than September 30, 2010.

Moore, Gwen (WI)


The amendment would increase funding for the Child Care Development Block Grant from $2 billion to $3 billion.

Moran, James (VA)


(WITHDRAWN)  Would provide federal agencies with the discretionary authority to waive any maintenance efforts requirements in the bill.

Murphy, Tim (PA)


Would require funds made available through this legislation to be used to purchase goods manufactured in the United States.

Murphy, Tim (PA)


Would require that Health Information Technology purchased with funds made available by this Act be engineered and manufactured in the United States.

Murphy, Tim (PA)


Would disqualify individuals from COBRA premium assistance if they made more than $100,000 in 2008 and have assets of $1 million or more.

Nadler (NY)


Would increase appropriations in the bill by 75 percent.

Nadler (NY)/DeFazio (OR)/Ellison (MN)/McMahon (NY)/Lipinski (IL)


(REVISED)  Would increase transit capital funding by $3 billion.

Neugebauer (TX)


Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute.  Would make permanent the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, reduce marginal individual income tax rates by 5 percentage points for the next five years, and reduce the top business and individual income tax rate to 25 percent for the next 5 years.

Neugebauer (TX)


Would strike the appropriations provisions from the bill.

Neugebauer (TX)


Would include the Comptroller General of the United States as a member of the Accountability and Transparency Board, would require reports to be posted on Recovery.gov, require bi-annual reports, and require the Chief Performance Office to report to Congress on a bi-annual basis on the activities of the Board.

Nye (VA)


Would allow employers to claim work opportunity tax credits for employees who qualify as unemployed veterans.

Nye (VA)


Would increase the tax write-off for capital expenditures for small business incurred in 2009 from $250,000 to $300,000 and increase the phase-out threshold for 2009 from $800,000 to $900,000.

Oberstar (MN)


Would amend the aviation, highway, rail, and transit priority consideration and "use-it-or-lose-it" provisions to require that 50 percent of the funds be obligated within 90 days.

Pascrell (NJ)


Would mandate that 100 percent of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) funding in the bill go toward grants, forgiveness of principle, and negative interest loans.

Pascrell (NJ)


Would mandate that 100%, as opposed to 50%, of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) funding in the bill goes toward grants, forgiveness of principle, and negative interest loans.

Perlmutter (CO)


Would create an Energy Efficiency Block Grant program, based on the Community Development Block Grant program, to fund grants to eligible entities to make energy efficient improvement to new and existing single-family and multi-family structures.  No less than $50 million and no more than $250 million of the allocated $1 billion for Community Development Block grant Program can go towards the Energy Efficient Block Grant.

Perlmutter (CO)


Would give priority to Federal Highway Administration projects that service and provide access to authorized VA medical facilities.

Peters (MI)


Would set aside 20 percent of the infrastructure investments in Title XII  for states that had 2008 unemployment rates that were higher than the national unemployment rate. 

Pitts (PA)


Would require parental notification when a family planning clinic enrolls a minor in Medicaid.

Platts (PA)/Van Hollen (MD)


Would insert the text of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (H.R. 985 in the 110th Congress) regarding protections for federal employees who report waste, fraud, and abuse.

Polis (CO)


(WITHDRAWN) Would require that charter schools receive school modernization funds based on their share of low-income students.

Polis (CO)


(WITHDRAWN) Would require that charter schools receive funds for education based on their share of low-income students.

Price, Tom (GA)


Would strike funding for the establishment of the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research.

Rogers, Harold (KY)


Would withhold half the discretionary funds made available by the Act until OMB submits an expenditure plan to the Committee on Appropriations that includes details of all proposed expenditures, a description of how funds provided will produce results, and a certification that the oversight requirements listed in Title I of the bill are in place.

Rogers, Mike (MI)


Would increase federal loan guarantees and direct loans for the auto manufacturing retooling to $25 billion.

Rogers, Mike (MI)


Would provide a tax credit for the trade-in of a passenger automobile 15 years or older for a new passenger automobile, provide $20 billion in loan guarantees for the research and development of alternative transportation fuels and battery technology, provide a series of significant incentives for the development of nuclear energy, and would permanently open the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) and offshore for oil and gas exploration.

Rogers, Mike (AL)


Would provide for the deduction of $7500 during the first 90 days, $5000 the second 90 days, and $2500 the third 90 days for the purchase of any new car, would allow for the deduction of State and local sales tax and loan interest for the first year, and would exclude 50 percent of the lenders income from new car loans from income taxes.

Ryan, Paul (WI)


Would allow 100 percent bonus depreciation for capital expenditures made in 2009 and 2010.

Ryan, Paul (WI)


Would extend the marginal income tax rates to 2012.

Sanchez, Loretta (CA)


Would create a new U.S. Treasury savings bond, called the Re-Build America Bond, and would establish a Re-Build America Trust Fund with in the Treasury of the United States so that all proceeds from the Re-Build America Bonds would be directed to this trust fund and that expenditures from the trust fund could only be made to redeem the bonds and as provided for in appropriation Acts for purposes of making expenditures for transit, water, highway, bridge, or road infrastructure projects of any governmental unit. 

Scalise (LA)


(WITHDRAWN)  Would strike the State Eligibility Option for Family Planning Services.

Scalise (LA)


Would strike the State eligibility option for family planning services.

Schauer (MI)


Would remove the 10 percent penalty on 401k distributions for up to $20,000, and tax the withdrawal at 72 percent of the taxpayer's current marginal rate for tax years 2008, 2009, 2010.

Schock (IL)/Smith, Adam (WA)


(REVISED) Would require that the Recovery.gov website track any obligation, solicitation, contract, or grant through an attached “unique identifier,” include a fully functional database that within 60 days of enactment can trace the flow of Federal dollars to the State and local level, and from the beginning of a project to the contractor, and in some cases, subcontractor level, and  include information on the recipients of funds including any minority, disadvantaged or veteran-owned businesses.

Schock (IL)


Would eliminate the $245 million provided in the bill to the Farm Service Agency “Salaries and Expenses Account,” reduce by $6.7 billion the amount provided to the General Services Administration “Federal Buildings Fund", and eliminate funding for projects to improve energy efficiency in Federal buildings.  Of the savings, $1.389 billion will be used for deficit reduction, the Army Corps of Engineers would receive an additional $1.389 billion, the FAA would receive an additional $1.389 billion, and the Federal Highway Administration would receive an additional $1.389 billion.   

Scott, Robert (VA)


(REVISED)  Would ensure that no program, project, or activity that receives financial assistance from this Act can discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation or beliefs.

Sestak (PA)


Would  increase the House allocation from $100 million to $3 billion for EPA Brownfield Redevelopment and would require the funds to be used to expand the scope of eligible activities under the program.

Sestak (PA)


Would expand the Home Buyer’s Tax Credit cap from $7,500 to 10% of the final sale price of a home - capped at 3.5% of FHA loan limits, and would extend the eligibility time frame from an end date of July 1, 2009, to an end date of December 31, 2009.

Sestak (PA)


Would increase funding for the Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI) to $1.5 billion, would provide that the maximum allowed for grants be increased from $2 million dollars to $100 million dollars for the period of the stimulus bill, would preserve the HUD 108 loan requirement with no maximum debt limit and funded with an additional $1.5 billion, and would permit both the HUD 108 and BEDI programs to fund infrastructure for Brownfields development.

Sestak (PA)


Would extend COBRA benefits for all Americans, regardless of age or length of employment, from 18 months to 24 months if employees reach their 18 month coverage limit within one year of enactment.

Shuster (PA)


(REVISED)  Would clarify that federal funds received by States under the bill for highway maintenance shall not be used to replace existing funds in place for transportation projects.

Simpson (ID)


Would prohibit any provision in the bill that provides new or increased direct spending from taking effect until Congress enacts a bill to provide the corresponding offsets.

Snyder (AR)


Would allow funds to be appropriated for public aquariums, zoos, and swimming pools.

Speier (CA)


Would appropriate an additional $10 billion to the Secretary of the Treasury to buy up Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. bonds from any state government, any political subdivision of any State, or other public entity or instrumentality established under State law (whether such bonds or 12 other debt instruments are held individually or pooled).

Speier (CA)


(WITHDRAWN) Would allow higher education funds to be used for the construction and renovation of higher education hospital teaching facilities.

Speier (CA)


Would strike the bill's prohibition against using higher education funds for the construction of new facilities.

Stearns (FL)


Would reduce by 50% the bill's federal funding of 100% of administrative costs for the temporary Medicaid buy-in program, requiring States to share 50 percent of such costs.

Stearns (FL)


Would allow unemployed workers who are eligible for COBRA to receive premium assistance from the federal government, require the federal government to pay 65 percent of the worker’s COBRA premium, and would prohibit anyone who made over $1 million in 2008 from receiving COBRA premium assistance under this new COBRA premium assistance program.

Stupak (MI)


Would direct Customs and Border Protection to carry out inspections of imported steel, drywall, and cement products, would test and evaluate such product against industry standards, would grant CBP the authority to prohibit entry of products that do not meet appropriate industry standards, and would authorize $10 million to carry out the above.

Teague (NM)


Intended to increase the allocation for FEMA's Emergency Food and Shelter Program from $200 million to $250 million.

Teague (NM)


Would require that the Recovery.gov website contain links and other information on how to access job information created at or by entities receiving funding under the bill; including links to local employment agencies, state, local, and other public agencies receiving recovery funds, and private firms contracted to perform work funded by the bill.

Terry (NE)


Would grant authority to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to provide $15 billion to transmission projects currently being permitted, sited or constructed.

Tiahrt (KS)


(REVISED) Would strike the authority, and associated funding, in the bill that provides for new or significantly-expanded programs, including afterschool feeding programs for at-risk children, broadband provisions, innovative technology loan guarantee programs, small business provisions, and summer job programs.  It would also suspend certain employment and income taxes, would repeal the final $350 billion of TARP funds, and would terminate TARP purchase authority upon enactment.

Turner (OH)


Would create a five-year pilot program that will allow up to $500 million in tax credits annually to be allocated by states for the remediation and redevelopment of brownfield sites. 

Waters (CA)


Would require that funds obligated under facility infrastructure investments in the defense title must be projects in the United States.

Waters (CA)


Would ensure that public housing residents receive employment opportunities arising from the $5 billion in capital funds that will be distributed to public housing agencies by requiring that public housing residents receive at least 30 percent of total hours worked and provide that public housing residents receive 25 percent of unskilled construction jobs.

Waters (CA)


(REVISED)  Would provide that job training funds may be used for broadband deployment and related activities provided in the bill.

Wilson, Charles (OH)/Ryan, Tim (OH)


Would raise the capped level of demolition funding from 10 percent to 75 percent.

Wilson, Joe (SC)


Would strike all sections of the bill except those that fund our military and veterans, improve our nation’s infrastructure, and cut taxes.

Wolf (VA)


Would create a bipartisan commission composed of 16 voting members and 4 nonvoting members to examine the fiscal challenges facing the United States.  The Commission would hold town hall style public hearings within each Federal Reserve district in addition to hearings that Commission deems necessary and appropriate.  The Commission would submit legislation to Congress to resolve the fiscal crisis; the Majority Leader of each body would introduce the bill by request.  The President and Budget Committees could submit alternative legislation.  The Commission bill would be subject to expedited consideration in the House.